Page 143 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 143
The Man In Love
wife that God desires for a husband to have – one who is Holy and without fault (or blameless)! This is the kind of wife that you must work toward presenting to yourself. This is type of wife that fits you, suits you, and that you deserve as a child of God. This is the type of wife that you must transform your wife to become. This is the wife that your show of love is expected to produce. This is the kind of wife that the love of Christ produces from any woman who is a child of God and has His Spirit.
The glorious wife defined here is a perfect woman in Christ and a perfect wife as well. Being holy and without blemish or fault is simply being perfect. In commanding that we love one another, God’s intention is to bring us into a state of ultimate perfection. This goal applies to all relationships in Christ, the husband-wife relationship being a most crucial one.
As Colossians 3:14 commands, we are to put on love, which is the bond of perfection. It binds husband and wife together in perfect harmony in the same way that it does Christ and His church. Wherever the husband and wife relationship starts from, it is intended to move on toward producing a perfect wife for a