Page 197 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 197

The Man In Love
what we need to do to our wives to fulfill this requirement in the show of love.
***** include a paragraph or two on telling her the TRUTH always and at all times! Truth to your wife is cherishing her. Not deceiving her.
One of the most compelling things to do to show that we cherish our wives is to keep our word to her! We must be men of integrity to our wives, husbands who can be trusted to live up to their word. God kept His word to Jesus in that He raised Him up from the dead. He did other things as well. His name is still above every other name that is named, and every knee bows to it and every mouth confesses His lordship. Jesus has kept His word to us as well. Among others, we have and enjoy the gift of the Holy Spirit that he asked the father to extend to us. He has not left us as orphans.
Another gesture that shows how much we cherish our wives is how much secrets we share with her. Our wives are our first neighbours. They should have the benefit of vital secrets of our lives before any other persons. This points to them that we cherish them greatly. Jesus never shared a parable where His

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