Page 198 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 198
The Man In Love
disciples were not present but many times he shared insights into particular situations when he was with them privately.
Making time out to spend privately with our wives also shows that we cherish them. At those times, husbands’ attention should be wholly devoted to their wives. As demanding as this might be for some husbands, it holds great potential for building love between husband and wife. Jesus regularly made valuable time out for the disciples. In fact most times, such were at his discretion. That way He signaled to the disciples that he valued the private time with them. A lot of bonding, sharing and joy characterized such times, and it made for a very healthy relationship between Him and his disciples.
Buying and showering our wives with gifts also represents key way to cherish them. God loved us so much that He gave such a wonderful gift of His son. That singular gesture has such great impact on us and will continue to till the world passes away. Love can never be complete without giving. From time to time, we must exercise ourselves into the act of buying valuable gifts to our wives. Mary showed her love for Jesus by buying a very expensive perfume and anointing His feet with it (John 12:3). It was all in