Page 237 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 237

The Man In Love
coming together as husband and wife, their spiritual responsibility of ensuring that their wives remain saved to the end becomes theirs upon the two becoming one flesh! This is one crucial reason why men should not jump into marriage without adequate preparation that must include a depth of understanding of the real spiritual responsibilities that come with the change of status. This is most certainly one of them. To acknowledge that you as a husband is truly the ‘head’ of your wife is to also whole-heartedly accept the responsibility for her spiritual well-being from that point forward.
As savior of their wives, husbands will have a case to answer before God about their wives on judgment day. Husbands, please recommit yourselves to the spiritual growth, development and wellbeing of your wives for which you are responsible, according to the word of God.
There is another aspect to husbands being the savior of the body, their wives. That aspect is the spiritual and physical safety of their wives while here on the earth. Just as we mentioned while discussing the practical demonstrations of Christ’s love to the church in an earlier chapter, the protection of

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