Page 14 - January 2019 Embrace Your Best Self
P. 14

TINY LIVING EDITION                                                                           HOME & GARDEN

      Welcome back TNE subscribers! When                        While the article is not aimed at tiny

      searching online for places to live in South              spaces, it mirrored the process I went
      Florida, I noticed that there were things I               through in my mind. I decided to speak

      would have to compromise on to live in                    with Angie Amon to talk to her further

      the location I wanted to live in. Because of              about this because the findings were so
      this, I had to really sit down with myself                interesting to me. I added this interview

      and decide what amenities were most                       to this season because when living tiny,

      important to me. Things like: free parking,               one has to REALLY decide what is
      location, space, and safety were my most                  important. I wanted to give people who

      important factors. This helped me to                      are thinking about tiny spaces this

      choose the best location for my needs.                    information so they can make a more
                                                                informed decision. I think sometimes

      Recently, I ran across an article on the                  we get caught up in how “cute”or's Blog called, The                     “adorable” the space is and do not think

      Boring Amenity That Renters Say They                      about the day-to-day. That is what really

      Really Want. In this article, Angie Amon,                 matters.
      Director of Research at RentPath, outlines

      what renters in today's market are really                 I have attached the article for your

      looking for. She explains that gone are the               reading pleasure. You can read it at:
      days of renters looking for luxury
      amenities and states that,“Renters tend to
      be practical and focus on amenities that                  Until next time...

      ensure their security, help add to day-to-

      day conveniences, and make their
      commutes to work easier”.

      While reading the article, I realized that
      she is absolutely on point. While I was

      looking for my place, I wasn't interested in

      superficial things, but simple things; such
      as, the ones I stated above. Also, security

      WAS a big issue for me since I live alone.
      It's interesting how the simple things are

      more important to our generation than
                                                                                                 N  O  M  A  D  I  C        |        2  4
      anything else.
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