Page 19 - January 2019 Embrace Your Best Self
P. 19
So let's talk about Kanye and politics. Yes, I Deal with it. Sometimes you have to go a little
saw him with President Trump. I also saw Kanye to spark necessary conversations and boy
him a short time after stating he no longer did he offer those opportunities up for us all. Now
would participate in politics. He also the question remains, will you continue to hate
denounced my good friend Candace Owens, blindly or will you dig deep and explore for
Director of Communication for Turning yourself? Until next time my friends, happy New
Point USA, and founder the #Blexit group Year!
that I am affiliated with. But, crazy Kanye
made me think and when that happens I Sidenote: January 20, 2019, come see me speak at
begin to dig deep and do my own research. I the 1st Blexit Rally in Los Angeles, California. We
will not allow social media and the public to sold out the first event in only 12 hours and had
tell me what to feel or think about crazy to move to a bigger venue to open up seating for
Kanye. I begin to understand why so many more attendees. So Follow me on Instagram and
right-wingers looked at the left as enablers Twitter at @MajorForMayor and the link is in my
for the black and brown culture. I looked at bio. See you there! - Major Williams
the family dynamic I grew up with as a kid
having a mother that was on welfare for
over 20 years and due to the felony on her
criminal record, she couldn't even elevate
herself with a decent job beyond cleaning
floors or making sandwiches at the local
deli to truly give us everything we needed. It
was tough, but as a kid, you don't quite
understand how poor you really are until
later or as an adult and you look back on
Crazy Kanye works for me, I have Do you have more
determined that I can't dictate someone
else's narrative for how they should be all Political Questions for
the time. Saying that I except crazy Kanye Major???
gives me the freedom needed to be great in
this country. I have no limits, yet I can love
and openly respect anyone. At the end of F O L L O W M A J O R :
the day, my final conclusion on crazy Kanye
is that Kanye is not crazy Kanye. He is
simply Kanye or Mr. West whichever you
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