Page 22 - January 2019 Embrace Your Best Self
P. 22

H  E  A  L  T  H     &     W  E  L  L N  E  S  S
    B  O D  Y     C O  N T  O  U  R Z


            WEIGHT IN

         YOUR SLEEP

     B  Y    N  I  C O  L  E    S  T E  W  A R T
     Well it’s officially 2019 and if you’re like most people after all the   CoolSculpting is that UltraSlim™ uses a completely
     Holiday get-togethers, parties and events you may have noticed   natural process called Lipolysis and the others use a
     a couple of extra lbs. Not to mention those cold winter nights   process that kills fat cells called apoptosis.  While on
     that make you want to just snuggle up and hibernate until Spring.   first blush it may sound like a good idea to have one’s
     So you ask yourself are you apart of the whopping 91% of women   destroyed fat cells, unfortunately, the long-term
     say that they’re unhappy with their bodies or the sizeable 20% of   drawback is that when the body tries to store fat in the
     men would consider cosmetic surgery – and these insecurities   future it will end up with a lumpy dysmorphic
     are often at their worst after the after the holidays. Is that why   appearance.  Fortunately, UltraSlimTM  is effective in
     you like the other 80% of people after the holidays go get a   helping correct the long-term effects of fat cell
     membership at a fancy pants gym that you’ll most likely stop   apoptosis.
     visiting in 3 to 5 months tops or are you ready to lose weight in
     your sleep?                                                   UltraSlimTM involves placing a red LED light a few
                                                                   inches from the treatment area (nothing touches your
     Well after years of the January Gym Cycle I was ready to give   body) and allowing the quality of light to trigger the
     sleeping a try.That’s why when I was told about BodyContourz, a   body’s fat cells into releasing by opening a pore and the
     body image center located southern California's Studio City, that   fat is released into the body and is processed out
     provide a non-invasive fat reduction therapy UltraSlimTM. I   through the body’s natural waste process. UltraSlimTM
     figured it was worth a try to see if this treatment could really   can guarantee two inches of fat loss with the first
     help me see real results.                                     treatment, and patients lose an average of 3.5 inches.
                                                                   The fat disappears permanently, and the treatment
     Now for those of you that are not familiar with UltraSlimTM   it   gives the additional benefit of tightening skin. I lost 3 ⅜
     is a new, FDA-approved, non-invasive fat loss procedure that can   inches the same day as my first treatment, which I have
     help patients lose inches after just one session.             to admit was such a comfortable and non painful
     One of the major differences between UltraSlim™ and other     process I was pretty much sleep for most of the
     treatments such as Liposuction and                            treatment.
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