Page 33 - January 2019 Embrace Your Best Self
P. 33


    I  N  T  E  R  V  I  E  W  E  D     B  Y     B  E  A  U  T  Y     B  A  B  E  S     U  N  I  T  E
                                                                           C  H  E  N  E  L  L  E     A  N  D     C  R  Y  S  T  A  L
                  Big Beautiful World

    Beauty Babes Unite had the opportunity to sit down with Elizabeth Nunez, the
    beautiful face of BBW Generation. BBW stands for Big Beautiful World, formerly

    known as Big Beautiful Women.

   Speaking with Elizabeth, we quickly learned the origins of her giving, caring heart. Born and
   raised in East Los Angeles as a first generation American to a Mexican family, she
   experienced abuse from her father while living at home with her parents.  She explained

   that since her family took on traditional Mexican household roles, her father was
   “machismo” which is the concept that he is manly, dominant, and has a strong sense of
   pride regarding his sex.

   Later in life, Elizabeth found herself in an abusive relationship with her now ex-husband. In

   fighting for her family and freedom, she broke free from the harm of a violent partner.
   Despite her efforts, Elizabeth and her two children experienced  homelessness, but now
   have a roof over their heads. Continually giving back to nonprofit organizations, Nunez

   creates packed lunches to hand out to those who need assistance so that they can go a day
   without an empty stomach.

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