Page 34 - January 2019 Embrace Your Best Self
P. 34

BBW GENERATION                                                                                            STYLE
                                  Elizabeth used her experiences in life to strengthen her confidence
                                  in herself, and helping others see what strength and beauty they
                                  can also possess. Her blog, BBW Generation, is a work of art with
                                    quality images photographed by her talented son and daughter.

                                       Elizabeth's blog has many different outfits that accentuate her
                                       curves, and she encourages other plus size women to do the
                                             same. Nunez explained during the interview that she loves
                                                 to wear color, and surprising steers away from

                                                               wearing black, because she would prefer to
                                                                        light up a room with her fashion.

                                                                 Not only does Elizabeth post the best
                                                                 #OOTD's (outfit of the days), she was

                                                              also inspired by cosplay, taking to her blog
                                                          with whatever character inspires her. Her first
                                                          choice, you ask? Wonder Woman! She

                                                       effortlessly uses the items she already owns to
                                                       create her own rendition of cosplay characters.

                                                   Speaking with this beautiful fashionista shed some
                                                   light on emphasizing internal beauty to love
                                                   yourself externally, as well. Visit our Beauty Babes
                                                   Unite podcast to learn more about Elizabeth


                                                      F  o  l  l  o  w     E  l  i  z  a  b  e  t  h     N  u  n  e  z

                                                             @   b   b  w   g  e  n  e  r  a  t  i  o  n

                                              WATCH THE BEAUTY BABES UNITE
                                       SIT DOWN INTERVIEW WITH BBW GENERATION

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