Page 41 - january
P. 41
Each One Teach One
Who in our
communities thought
up until Trayvon
Martin’s untimely
slaying that a hoodie
was threatening? But
that’s the reality many
young black men and
young people of color
live. And sadly, melanin
can be just enough to
make people afraid. We
know it’s not right and
while white privilege
allows for tech bros to
show up to work with a
T-shirt and open-toed And he touts the importance of owning a well-
sandals, the burden is tailored suit because he wants the world to see
placed on people of young black men and women for the kings and
color to dress up so queens they are. And he says you don’t even
that we can be taken have to cash out for an Armani. The suit he
seriously. It’s not just wore to our interview was only $30. That’s right,
that Lyons is a realist Lyons is a thrifter. Those who know the joys of a
when it comes to that good thrift store haul don’t need to be told
double standard, but about the treasures you can find in a thrift
that he was raised with store, especially in a city like Los Angeles. But his
the mentality that a suit point is that you don’t have to spend thousands
is an investment. of dollars to look like you did.