Page 53 - March Reset Button Issue
P. 53
Hearing about these two’s
experience, I felt like when you have
your family supporting your dream
it makes a difference. When you
listen to the ExumMusic podcast,
you will hear how their family
supported their dream.
Another discussion that made me
admire and love this two-artist more
is how they could finish each other’s
sentences and thoughts. I don’t
know about everyone else who has
siblings, but it’s rare to find this kind
of relationships with older and
younger siblings. What that showed
me was how much love these two
have for each other. It was evident
when they broke out in a song for
me that they also carried that love
to their music.
They have guided them more into space
where their music will be more heard Which brings me to the reason
soon. behind their music. Some people
might admit they got in the business
What fascinated me about these two to just be a star or to make money.
was their heritage which played a big The short amount of time I had with
part in breaking the stereotype in the Raju and Chai I did not get that vibe
music industry. They are inspired by the from them at all. When they told me
R&B genre. To my surprise, they gave the reason behind their music and
me a rendition of a Frank Ocean song what they want to transcend to the
that made me drop the mic. I am telling world, I applauded. I just wanted to
you I am a real fan of these two. hug them right then and there.