Page 55 - March Reset Button Issue
P. 55

RAJU & CHAITANYA IVATURI                                                                               MUSIIC
      You will too when you tune into the podcast.These two are way beyond their years. I give the
      utmost respect to their parents for what they instilled into these two kindred individuals. In this
      business, their attitude and their will to inspire other will help them go so far in their career.

      All in all, I cannot wait for you to get to know these two aspiring artists who are well on their way
      of making a name for themselves in the music industry. I cannot express how excited I am for
      these two. I know after interviewing them, we will soon hear their upcoming music.


                                                          Raju & Chaitanya Ivaturi

                                                                    on Social Media:

                                                          @ c h a i t a n y a u s a

                                                         w w w . c h a i t a n y a - l a . c o m

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