Page 4 - Magzine p
P. 4
W hen two or more people work together, interpersonal conflicts are
almost inevitable. Sometimes conflicts are good, as they can promote
competition and propel people to work harder. However, when these
conflicts continue to build up, they may negatively impact the
productivity and morale of everyone in the workplace.
Some common causes of office conflicts The operation of a business relies on the
include personality differences, feeble interdependence of its employees. When people
leadership, dishonesty, and stress. For don’t get along, they spend time on dealing with
example, one team member may prefer to get conflicts rather than working on productive tasks.
things done early, while another team They may spend time trying to convince other
member may prefer to leave things until the employees to take their side or finding ways to
last minute. When these two people work retaliate.
together, their different work styles could
For example, when a customer complains about a
cause potential conflicts.
problem, instead of trying to solve the problem,
However, when it comes right down to it, the two employees who don’t get along may start to
root cause of interpersonal conflicts is poor blame each other for the problem and waste time
communication. Lack of effective arguing.
communication often leads to confusion
When office conflicts escalate, people may even
regarding things like responsibilities,
take time off from work to avoid going to the
priorities, and access to resources. These
office. This can lead to project delays or even
confusions, if not clarified as soon as they
failures, which in turn cause customer
arise, can gradually cause conflicts.
dissatisfaction. A small business may end up
losing customers as a result of office conflicts. 2