Page 5 - Magzine p
P. 5
Ways to Handle Office Ways to Handle Office
Conflicts Conflicts
The best way to handle conflicts is to
The best way to handle conflicts is to
address them before they become
address them before they become
serious problems. It’s important for an serious problems. It’s important for an
employer to be impartial and listen to all
employer to be impartial and listen to all
parties involved to find out the source of
parties involved to find out the source of
a conflict. It’s also helpful to have all a conflict. It’s also helpful to have all
parties sit together and talk things out. parties sit together and talk things out.
The ultimate goal of the employer is to The ultimate goal of the employer is to
help the conflicting employees reach a
help the conflicting employees reach a
resolution so that they can put the
resolution so that they can put the
conflict behind them. While two conflict behind them. While two
disgruntled employees may never be
disgruntled employees may never be
friends, they should be able to work in
friends, they should be able to work in
the same office.
the same office.