Page 22 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 22

Merseyside Police Federation

              Charitable Trust:

              How we have helped our local communities

                                                                                                           Jane Dean
                                                                                                       Police Federation Offce

              Ok, hands up all those who have stuck
              to their New Year Resolutions – and be                  The Merseyside Police Federation Charitable
              honest!!  “I’m going to lose weight”, “I’m              Trust (registered charity number 1119125) was
              going to join a gym”, “I’m going to give                established as a registered charity in 2006.
              to charity and help those less fortunate”               All monies received into the Charitable Trust
              – not easy is it? …… or is it?!                         comes from :
                                                                      •    Your lottery subscriptions
              We all have good intentions and feel that we should
              probably do a bit more to help those in need and for    •    Donations
              those of you who subscribe to the Merseyside Police
              Federation Charitable Trust Lottery that’s exactly      •  The contents of a charity bucket held at
              what you do.  At only £1 per entry deducted directly         Police Headquarters Gatehouse where
              from your monthly pay – it’s as easy as that! -  you’re      all your loose change is welcome!   (This
              helping that pensioner in the community who’s been           alone has raised £8,267.10 in the last 5
              a victim of assault, that family who’s suffering severe      years!)
              fnancial hardship or that child who’s learning to live   •  Money raised from a high profle annual
              with memories of abuse.                                      charity evening

              Hopefully, most of our members are aware of the
              Merseyside Police Federation Charitable Trust and     All proceeds help those in need within the
              the support it offers, but for those who aren’t aware,   Merseyside community.   Local benefciaries, whether
              this is what it’s all about.                          it be a victim of crime or violence, someone who
                                                                    has suffered some form of loss, hardship or distress, a
                                                                    local charity trying to raise much needed funds or a
                                                                    community group helping disadvantaged youngsters,
                                                                    all receive support from the Trust in the form of a
                                                                    cash donation, gift i.e. fowers, shopping vouchers or
                                                                    food hampers at Christmas (Charitable Trust rules
                                                                    apply)   No administration costs are claimed from the
                                                                    Trust and it is administered entirely free of any levy
                                                                    by the Police Federation staff and Executive Offcers.

              22                   Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018    •

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