Page 18 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 18
Important Changes to the Group
Insurance Scheme
At this time of year, the Trustees of the scheme meet • We have analysed the claims data for Home Emergency
with our scheme managers at Philip Williams to and identifed that a large number of claims have been
consider how the scheme is currently performing, made by a relatively small number of individuals. We
and to agree premium and beneft levels for the have therefore introduced an excess of £25.00 per claim
forthcoming year from the renewal date on the 1st and have agreed to cap the number of claims per Home
April. This is a very transparent process with our Emergency category to 3 per year. We would remind
Scheme Manager, as we receive regular updates members that if you have your Home Insurance through
throughout the year on the number and amount our Federation Police Mutual Scheme then Home
paid out in claims, compared to premiums paid to Emergency cover is included in your buildings cover
insurers. It is fair to say that the Merseyside scheme as standard, and with no excess or cap on claims this
may be the best route to claim should you have a home
is extremely well used and this is refected in the emergency situation.
premium we have to pay.
In terms of the Travel Policy there have been a number of
We are reassured that the Group Insurance Scheme continues improvements to the beneft as follows:
to provide valuable support to many members, and in the period
from 1st April to 31st December the following has been paid out, • Trip duration has been extended from the current 31
or provided to Merseyside members through the scheme:
days to 60 days per single trip
• £487,500 in Life Claims • Dependent Children’s age extended to 23 years for
• £60,000 in Critical Illness Claims those in full time education
• £4,950.00 in Hospital Beneft • Emergency medical cover increased to £10m
• £1,456.50 in Dental Beneft • Travel Delay has been increased from £50 to £100 per 12
• £51,928 in Sickness Beneft Claims hours
• £103,000 in Travel Claims • We have introduced a new stranded passenger policy
• 476 Motor Breakdown Claims Please note for the stranded passenger beneft you must pre-
• 323 Home Emergency Claims register your fight at least 24 hours before fying. If your fight
• 58 Legal Expenses Claims is delayed for more than two hours you will then automatically
• 99 Red Arc Claims receive a code to your mobile phone with an authorisation for
access to the airport executive lounge. Registering your fight,
and passenger details is a simple process and full details of how
In recent years the Trustees of the scheme have been very to do this are on page 4 of the new travel policy.
conscious that Police Pay has been stagnant, and in real terms
offcers’ incomes have reduced. Consequently, whilst we are New scheme benefts documents are available to download at
always looking to improve and add new benefts to the scheme or contact the federation offce. We
we have been reluctant to do so as we are very aware that would advise members to examine the details so they are fully
money is tight for many members. aware of the benefts and how to access them should they be
This year’s renewal process was no different and your Trustees
have decided to limit the increase in premium by amending or We would also remind members to update benefciary details if
removing some benefts.
there have been any changes to your circumstances which will
ensure that any life beneft is paid quickly to your nominated
From the 1st April the price of the scheme will be £31.20 for benefciary.
serving members. This is an increase of just £0.75 per month.
The following changes have been made to benefts:
• The level paid in sickness beneft will reduce from the If you are interested in joining the
current rate of 20% of net pay and for new claims from
the 1st April the rate paid will be 15% of net pay. scheme, or wish to take out top up
cover, or partner cover please contact
• We have removed Temporary Total Disablement Beneft
as the number of claims has reduced signifcantly over the Federation Offce for further details.
the past 5 years and very few members are claiming this
18 Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018 •
Insight Issue 1 _ 2018.indd 18 22/03/2018 08:51