Page 14 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 14

Update on Misconduct Matters

              Chris Leach looks at what members should
              expect when under investigation
                                                                                                          Chris Leach
                                                                                                        Misconduct Leader
                                                                                                     Merseyside Police Federation

              During my time as a Merseyside Police Federation      6.    Duties and responsibilities- Police offcers only give
              representative I have assisted many offcers during       and carry out lawful orders and instructions. Police
              diffcult times when they have been investigated for      offcers abide by police regulations, force policies and
              misconduct matters some of which are unfortunately        lawful orders
              classed as criminal conduct.                          7.    Confdentiality Police offcers treat information with
                                                                        respect and access or disclose it only in the proper
              What a common and recurring theme that all offcers  have   course of police duties
              asked is what the process actually is ? and what they can   8.    Fitness  for  work.  Police  offcers  when  on  duty  or
              expect to happen ? So I will take this opportunity to outline   presenting  themselves  for  duty  are  ft  to  carry  out
              what Misconduct means and what an offcer subject to a    their duties and responsibilities.
              misconduct can expect.                                9.    Conduct  Police  offcers  behave  in  a  manner  which
                                                                        does  not  discredit  the  police  service  or  undermine
              Following on from a complaint the professional standards   public confdence, whether on or off duty.
              department or the IOPC should form an assessment to see   10.   Challenging and reporting improper behaviour- Police
              whether the matter is deemed as actual misconduct as per   offcers  report,  challenge  or  take  action  against  the
              the police conduct regulations 2012, Or in some cases just   conduct of colleagues which has fallen below the
              local resolution. See link for full regulations           standards of professional behaviour expected.
              uksi_20122632_en.pdf                                  Once the matters have been assessed then an offcer should
                                                                    be served a Regulation 15 notice outlining the nature of the
              These Regulations apply where an allegation comes to the   allegation with suffcient detail for the offcer to understand
              attention of an appropriate authority which indicates that   the matter being investigated. There is an option dependant
              the conduct of a police offcer may amount to misconduct   on the circumstances for the offcer to provide a written
              or gross misconduct.                                  response to the said allegation within 10 working days.

              If the matter is deemed as a misconduct it will be set  at   Gross misconduct means a breach of the Standards  of
              either Misconduct or Gross Misconduct, breaching one or   Professional Behaviour which is so serious that  dismissal
              more in some cases of the below standards of Professional   would be justifed and to determine whether the conduct
              behaviours.                                           found proven against the offcer amounts to misconduct or
                                                                    gross misconduct.

              1.    Honesty  and  integrity-Police  offcers  are  honest,   Dependant on the allegation and if the matter is classed as
                  act with integrity and do not compromise or abuse
                  their position.                                   a criminal allegation the matter will be investigated and at
              2.    Authority,  respect  and  courtesy-  Police  offcers  act   some stage the offcer will be requested to attend a Voluntary
                                                                    interview in company with a legal representative and fed rep
                  with self-control and tolerance, treating members of   or police friend if the matter is a criminal allegation, or just
                  the public and colleagues with respect and courtesy.  Fed representative or friend if the matter is misconduct only.
                    Police offcers do not abuse their powers or authority
                  and respect the rights of all individuals.        Following on from the interview, a report by the investigating
              3.    Equality  and  diversity-  Police  offcers  act  with   offcer (IO) will be completed (dis 12 report) which is then
                  fairness and impartiality. They do not discriminate   submitted to the decision maker either the Superintendent
                  unlawfully or unfairly.                           of PSD for Misconduct or the Chief Superintendent for Gross
              4.   Use of force- Police offcers only use force to the extent   Misconduct. The outcome may be either No case to answer
                  that it is necessary, proportionate and reasonable in all   or Case to answer. In the case of Misconduct only it will be a
                  the circumstances.                                Misconduct meeting and in the case of Gross Misconduct it
              5.    Orders  and  instructions-  Police  offcers  only  give   may lead to a Gross Misconduct public hearing.
                  and carry out lawful orders and instructions. Police
                  offcers abide by police regulations, force policies and   Any questions please contact me at Green Lane
                  lawful orders                                     for a chat.

              14                   Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018    •

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