Page 28 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 28
Welfare Update
Jane Arrowsmith
As Jane takes up her new position as Welfare Support leader, she Welfare Support leader
highlights the importance of being a member of all of our schemes. Merseyside Police Federation
This is my frst update for you since taking over my
role as Welfare and Support lead for the Federation.
During my time as a Merseyside Police Federation
representative, and a supervisor, I have assisted
many offcers during diffcult times and I believe
that the support and guidance that we have given
our members over the years has signifcantly moved
forward. Since taking over in this role I have seen
how our full time offcers, supported by our area
based representatives, have worked closely together
to achieve this.
It has certainly been a very busy few weeks, and you will
all no doubt be aware of the recent and sudden passing of Grievances by offcers and staff have almost doubled
three of our colleagues in a short space of time. These tragic in the past year. The number of employment issues our
events have highlighted however the excellent support that members have taken to ACAS with a view to seeking a
is available to our members, and their families, through the legal remedy has not been so high for years. However,
federation, and I would like to discuss these. we should not forget the good work that our force has
done for its offcers. Our Chief Andy Cooke, has publicly
We have a systematic method of dealing with offcers stated that he will not have personnel mental health issues
in need of welfare support, where they are given control stigmatised in Merseyside Police. He has supported this
of who and what they access amongst the many services with the provision of signifcant extra assistance for offcers,
on offer. We have increased access to psychological and both internally and externally. He has visibly supported and
physiological support at Green Lane. Offcers who are encouraged the Blue Light Mental Health initiative.
subject to criminal or gross misconduct allegations now
have easier access to welfare support. The Post Incident The past few years has seen many of the Merseyside Police
Procedures (PIP) are developing and it is being accepted at Networks go from strength to strength. As a Federation
force level that they should be utilised for more than just we have given active support to these networks and this
frearms incidents. has provided our offcers with the best possible support
when they have needed it.
The North West Police Benevolent fund (NWPBF) has
dramatically increased the quality and availability of the Please encourage offcers to maintain their membership
services it delivers at St Michael’s, Langho. Merseyside of the Police Federation of England and Wales AND the
offcers continue to be amongst the greatest benefciaries Merseyside Police Group Insurance Scheme AND the
of NWPBF loans and grants. Red Arc continues to provide North West Police Benevolent Fund AND the Police
a high quality service to our offcers subscribing to the Treatment Centres. I have seen for myself the effects
Group Insurance Scheme, both via the telephone and face of members not subscribing to these schemes (just
to face alternative therapies. The Police Treatment Centres recently we were asked to help an offcer with a potential
in addition to their excellent physiological support have Unsatisfactory Performance issue, who had cancelled their
now expanded their psychological wellbeing courses to Fed subscriptions) It is so disheartening for us, but more
accommodate more subscribing offcers. importantly it severely limits the support we can deliver.
Merseyside Police has been going through a constant Finally on a personal note can I say thank you for your
change process for many years, but the austerity cuts have support and I look forward to continuing to do my very
led to very dramatic changes. The introduction of the best to deliver the best quality service to our members in
functional model with the division of the force into various the future.
strands, was always going to put pressure on the offcers.
28 Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018 •
Insight Issue 1 _ 2018.indd 28 22/03/2018 08:51