Page 29 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 29

Equality Update

               Wendy looks at the challenges ahead in her new
              role as Equality leader
                                                                                                         Wendy Sudworth
                                                                                                         Equality leader.
                                                                                                      Merseyside Police Federation

              Wendy  Sudworth  is  the  new  Equality  Leader  for   In 2011 I requested a return to Custody and went back
              Merseyside  Police  Federation.  She  introduces      to Belle Vale Custody Suite, before a spell at Wavertree
              herself to members and highlights her commitment      Custody Suite and then St Helens. I am currently posted
              to the role.                                          as a Custody Sgt based at Copy Lane Police Station

              I Joined Merseyside Police  in   March 1993 and  have   I have been the HQ Sergeants Fed rep and Custody lead
              worked in a variety of roles across the force area, including   for the Federation since 2015.   I became a federation
              Response, Neighbourhood, Domestic Violence and a spell   representative  because I  know  from  my  own  personal
              working in custody to assist the Custody Sgt by looking   experience how much beneft a member can gain from
              after detainees and their welfare.                    federation support, sound advice and a listening ear when
                                                                    going through a diffcult time in their career. Whether that
              In 1998 I went on what I thought was a ‘one day course’   be due to a personal or job related issue.
              to fnd I was now part of the project team assisting with
              the implementation of the changes brought about by the   I  wanted  to  be  able  to  provide  to  other  offcers  the
              Crime & Disorder Act 1998. The team was branded as    support I had received from the federation when I needed
              Citysafe, and included offcers from each of the divisions.   it most and I hope that this is what I have achieved. It is
              Whilst at Citysafe I worked on a number of projects  to   a role that I am passionate about  and it is certainly the
              develop partnerships and work with local authorities other   most interesting yet challenging role of my career to date.
              public sector agencies and voluntary groups to provide a
              joint approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour, crime   I have a particular interest in Equality and welfare issues
              and disorder issues.                                  and these are areas I have sought to develop during my
                                                                    time as a Federation rep. I am delighted that I have been
              I was promoted to Sgt in 2002 and was posted to work at   elected as the Equality lead for the federation. I know I
              Belle Vale Custody Suite.  I then worked for several years   have a steep learning curve ahead, but I look forward to
              as the Public Transport Liaison Offcer, although working as   the challenge and to continuing the fantastic work done
              part of the Crime Reduction team I was based within offces   by Sgt Rob Venables.
              at Merseytravel.  I was responsible for the development of
              the Travel PCSO’s role,  and also the introduction of the   I am really excited at the opportunity to develop my
              Merseyside wide agreement which provided free travel   knowledge and work alongside the networks to ensure
              for police offcers on buses and the Merseyrail network   we  continue to  value  the diversity  of  the  staff that  we
              . Being based within another organisation, as part of this   have and ensure that their perspectives and values help to
              role, gave me a great opportunity to see Merseyside Police   shape the Merseyside Police of the future.
              from the perspective of our partners and customers.
                                                                    I know we have the commitment of the Chief Constable
                                                                    and  senior  offcers  to  Equality  and  to  championing  the
                                                                    work of the networks and I hope we can build on this for
                                                                    the future, so that all staff feel valued for who they are and
                   “ I know I have a steep                          the different outlooks they bring. I believe this will bring
                                                                    benefts not only for offcers and staff but also to ensure
                   learning curve ahead, but I                      we are representative of the communities that we serve.

                            look forward to

                          the challenge...

              Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018    •       29

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