Page 13 - MTBSA JAN 2020
P. 13

nother 12 months have   But it’s now that time of year   think about some things that
 passed and with that,   where we get to dream up a   you would just love to do, learn
 naturally, have come a   set of New Year’s resolutions   or see in your lifetime and in this
 Alot of ups and downs –   to take us through to the end   case, on your bike. Here are just
 specifically though on hills and   of 2020. Resolutions can be a   a few suggestions for mountain
 trails while riding a mountain   great reminder that sometimes   biking-related resolutions for
 it’s nice to have a sit down and
        So, you know how to fix a flat
        tyre, regularly pump up your
        wheels before riding to get
        that pressure just right and you
        even clean your bike and dry it
        properly after every ride.
        That puts you ahead of about
        75 percent of other mountain
        bikers in terms of TLC.
        But could you build a bike up
        from scratch? Do you really
        know what every single bit of
        your bike does, how it connects
        to the next, how to keep it in
        absolute tip-top shape and how
        to fix any given part should
        something go wrong?
        Learning all about your bike will
        not only help to keep your ride
        running smoothly and exactly
        how you like it, but it’ll probably
        save you quite a bit of cash as a
        result in the long run, too.
        Plus, if you do get into bike
        building, you’ve got a whole
        new hobby on your hands.                          Make sure those bike parts are fit for purpose © DEAN KOH

                                                                                                          Autumn and
                                                                                                         winter are prime
                                                                                                         times for gravel
                                                                                                          riding © DUN-
        We understand it may sound                                                                       CAN PHILPOTT/
        like sacrilege to certain                                                                        TWEED VALLEY
        mountain bikers to suggest                                                                          GUIDES
        that they don some lycra and
        climb on a road bike, but there’s
        actually quite a bit mountain
        bikers could learn from their
        tarmac-based cousins – not least
        improving endurance, which will
        come in handy when you do get
        back onto the trails.
        Even out on the trails though,
        there’s so much you can learn
        from switching up your riding
        patterns every now and then.
        If you’re a downhill fiend,
 Bikepacking can open up loads of adventures © RODRIGO PHILIPPS  then a bit of cross country
        won’t do your fitness levels
 There’s nothing quite like   There's no travelling to the trails   there being a lot of purpose-  any harm and you’ll end up
 waking up to watch the sunrise   to be done and no rush to get   built gear for bikepacking on   seeing some beautiful scenery
 over your local hills, cooking up a  up to the hills before it gets   offer these days and loads of   you won’t have come across
 pot of coffee and then setting off  busy; you’re already there.  information online.   before. Alternatively, if you’re a
 for a day of riding even deeper   It can seem like a pretty big leap   Do your research, get all the   dedicated XC rider, a bit of time
 into the wild.   to go from a few hours on the   equipment together and get   on the downhill trails could
 There’s something deeply   trails to fending for yourself for a   outdoors. One trip will likely lead   improve your bike handling
 meditative and empowering   whole weekend. But it’s a lot less  to another.  skills. Cyclocross can be a good   keep your fitness up and weight   don’t mind eating substantial
 about the whole experience.   daunting than it once was, with   laugh too and a great way to   down in winter, especially if you   amounts of mud.

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