Page 16 - MTBSA JAN 2020
P. 16

If you were planning on going       day while you’re there to tackle    weaknesses are on a bike and                   You know the trail we mean.
        on a city break with your friends   some stunning new trails. Not       ultimately makes you a better                  It’s the trail that you’ve thought
        this summer, then why not           only does riding in another         rider.                                         about riding half a dozen times.
        look to get out to a bike park      country feel like a proper cycling   If you want to take your bike to              Maybe you've even ridden the
        somewhere in Europe instead.        adventure, but it also challenges   even wilder destinations take                  majority of the thing a couple of
        It won’t be that much more          you to ride a completely            a look at Rob Warner’s Wild                    times, but had to get off the bike
        money all in, plus you can rent     different type of terrain, lets     Rides series for inspiration.                  and walk a few sections because
        a ride pretty cheaply for the       you know what your skills and                                                      you lost your nerve or things got
                                                                                                                               a little too gnarly. Maybe there’s
                                                                                                                               a big drop you’re not sure you
                                                                                                                               can handle, or a jump section
                                                                                                                               that feels just that bit out of     features until you’re really        target them with your practise.
                                                                                                                               reach.                              comfortable and confident           There are few things quite as
                                                                                                                               Make 2020 the year that you         and eventually you’ll be able to    rewarding as flowing through a
                                                                                                                               ride that trail! It’s the perfect   smash through the thing like        trail that once felt beyond your
                                                                                                                               motivation to centre your riding    a pro. Don’t rush it – you’ve got   skill level.
                                                                                                                               on. Build up to it, practise on     all year. Look at the segments
                                                                                                                               similar trails and on similar       you’re struggling on and

                                            Build crew hard at work © MOONHEAD MEDIA
                                                                                                                                                           Gee and Rachel Atherton in Fuerteventura © MATTIAS FREDRIKSSON
        You ride them every single time     – and ask how you can help.         preferences and help you realise               Last but by no means least,         standing on one.                    from a local shop – and then
        you get on your bike, so why        This will ensure you don’t start    what features and styles of                    make this year that you spread      Mountain biking can be quite a      take them up into the hills. Show
        not make 2020 the year that         shovelling and accidentally         mountain biking you really love                the bike love. Sure, you’ve         daunting thing to get into after    them your favourite trail, the
        you finally get involved in trail   disrupt someone else’s work or      to ride. Once you know this,                   probably already got friends        a certain age if you don’t have     beautiful scenery and by the end
        maintenance? The best way           get in the way of other plans.      you can build more of it! And                  that ride, but we’re betting that   someone to explain what the         of the year you could have a new
        to do this is to get in contact     Not only does trail building help   you’ll probably make a good few                you also have some really good      hell is going on. Get your friend   favourite riding buddy. In fact,
        with your local mountain biking     you get a better sense of how       friends along the way. The dirt                friends that love the outdoors,     on a bike – lend them an old one    you could have made someone
        community – often there is a        to ride features you build, but     always feels better under your                 but probably couldn’t pick out      to start with, if you have one, or   else’s year.
        Facebook group or equivalent        it’ll also develop your personal    wheels when you’ve earned it.                  a downhill track if they were       maybe get them to rent a bike

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