Page 4 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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IN THIS EDITION For many native American artists their artwork is an expres-
1 COVER - Artwork by Zuni artist Noreen Simplicio sion of who they are as a people and their relationship to the
4 ArtEvents New Mexico & Studio Tour Guide 2019-2020 earth and its surroundings. The same is certainly true with New
5 Northern New Mexico art events Mexico artists of every background and description: an innate
6 Central New Mexico art events love of the land, the sky, the beauty and the serenity which we
7 Southern New Mexico art events all enjoy in the Land of Enchantment. The tours and events that
8 2019 Artists’ Studio Tour List we present in this Guide are representative of the richness which
9 Zuni Artwalk - Corrales Studio Tour all New Mexico artists offer for your enjoyment.
10 Silver City and Placitas Studio Tours We began our journey with this publication in 2014 as a
11 Eldorado and Santa Fe Studio Tours simple, comprehensive guide to the Artists’ Studio Tours in New
12 STUDIO TOUR DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Mexico. Today we have blended this guide into an even more
13 STUDIO TOUR MAP comprehensive look at the plethora of art-related events (and
15 Lincoln County Art Loop, Alto & Carrizozo Studio Tours other cultural interests) that take place each year in New Mexico.
16 Questa and Taos Studio Tours We hope you are able to use and enjoy the information in this
17 Chama Valley, Rio Costilla and Alameda Studio Tours Guide and we wish you happy trails as you explore New Mexico
18 Sandia Crest and Pojoaque Studio Tours on your next Art Adventure.
19 High Road Artisans New Mexico Studio Tour
20 Pecos, Angel Fire and El Rito Studio Tours FOR YOU - THE READER !
21 Madrid-Cerrillos and Abiquiu Studio Tours Thank you for picking up and exploring our unique publication.
22 Galisteo and Dixon Studio Tours We are constantly striving to improve our coverage and accuracy
23 About the cover - Noreen Simplicio : Zuni Master Potter of events, which can be a challenge sometimes. If you find that
ORIGINAL ARTWORK IN THIS ISSUE we have missed an event or know of new information please give
Noreen Simplicio, Zuni artist and master us a call or send an email to
potter, has created one of her signature Pueblo Also, please note that most of the studio tours and major art
Pots especially for our cover. This is a large vase events take place each year at approximately the same dates. It is
with a pueblo scene, hand built using the coil best to check the websites listed for each event if you are unsure
method with natural clay from Zuni, featuring a of the dates or times. You may always give us a call as well. We
geometric pattern design. may not know the answer, but we will do our best to get you the
10.75” h x 9.25” w $3,500. (505) 862-3607 most current information (505) 438-9600.
The creative artwork of Tom Mares, who now For the artists, studios, galleries and
lives with his lovely wife Judy in Las Vegas, NM, art event producers across New Mexico.
began when he was in college drawing cartoons Now in our sixth year of publication and true to the nature of
for corporations and magazines. Many years print media vs digital, we continue to evolve the ArtEvents New
and many awards later, Tom has settled in New Mexico & Studio Tour Guide to better serve our readers and the
Mexico and brings his unique styling to our artists who participate in the hundreds of events that take place
centerfold Map of New Mexico (page 13). You each year to celebrate art in New Mexico.
can contact Tom at (505) 979-8000 or
ArtEvents New Mexico & Studio Tour Guide We continue to make revisions and updates to our online
is a publication of Streamlynx, LLC dba Streamlynx Communications presence to better represent the artists of New Mexico and to
Corporate website - provide a central locus for all art events that take place through-
7 Avenida Vista Grande #252 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 out the year. We are regularly adding pages and other facets of
Contact information: functionality, including an enhanced artist directory, an artists’
(505) 438-9600 or marketplace, greater coverage of events, new video contribu-
Entire contents copyright © 2019 Streamlynx, LLC All Rights Reserved tions, as well as more back-end coverage utilizing social media
No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form venues.
without express written permission from the publisher.
For ad sales and production inquiries: Marc-Paul LaRouche - Editor and Publisher or 505-438-9600 Be sure to visit our online edition
Visit our online edition
Marc-Paul LaRouche - editor and publisher to stay current with events and to
Deborah A. LaRouche - associate editor and publisher learn more about the tours, events and the artists of New Mexico.
4 | Art Events N E W M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020