Page 9 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
P. 9

The Taos Lilac Festival         #1
                                            is blooming in Taos, NM
     Zuni Pueblo Artwalk                    celebrating the heritage of lilacs  Corrales Art and Studio Tour
     OPEN STUDIOS                           May 17, 18 & 19, 2019           OPEN STUDIOS
     First Saturday of every month          The Festival Weekend, May       May 4 & 5 10 am - 5 pm both days               17 – 19, 2019 will include a pet
     or                                                   or
                                            pageant; live entertainment; home
                                            and business expo; food and crafts
                                            vendor and many family friendly
                                            activities. Lilacs flourish abun-
                                            dantly in Taos and peak the last
                                            two weeks of May.
                                            For more information visit

                                               New Mexico Fiber Crawl
                                               May 17, 18 & 19 2019
                                            Whether you weave, felt, dye, knit,
                                            or are just interested in New Mex-
                                            ico’s long history with the fiber
     For 2019 the Zuni Pueblo ArtWalk will   arts, the Española Valley Fiber Arts   May 4 & 5, 2019 the Village of Corrales
     be held the first Saturday of each month.  Center’s New Mexico Fiber Crawl   will host one of the most anticipated art
     During our event all artists will be in their   is a fascinating way to experience   and studio tours in New Mexico. Village
                                                                            artists and craftspeople open their studio
     studios and transportation to each studio   the entire tradition.      doors to the public for one weekend only.
     will be available.                     Over  the weekend,  fiber  fans can
                                            explore the farms where it all be-  Many studios in the 21st Annual Corrales
     Learn first-hand about Zuni arts,      gins, meet people who hand spin   Art and Studio  Tour will feature over
     techniques,  and   personal   stories.  the yarn and the artists who work   100 artists in 39 locations, including five
     Choose from traditional pottery, stone   with it, and visit the galleries and   galleries throughout the Village.  Students
     “fetish” carving, silvermithing/jewelry,   museums highlighting the tra-  from two local elementary schools will
     woodcarving, painting, beadwork and    ditional as well as the most cut-  also display their art at the Tour Preview
     many others.                           ting-edge work in the state.     Gallery.
     Not able to make the event?                  Maps and catalogs will be available online
     We offer personal tours, large group tours,                            at  as
     or drop-ins.                           Mayfair Juried Art Show         well as in tents at the south end of Corrales
                                            Cloudcroft, NM May 25 & 26      on Corrales Road and Loma Larga at
     To make reservations please call the Zuni   10 am  - 5 pm              Meadowlark. The local  Boy  Scout Troop
     Pueblo Visitor Center (505) 782-7238
                                            Artists from around the coun-   will be manning the tents and selling water. 
     Many studios on the Artwalk are open   try will be in Cloudcroft for   Corrales Art and Studio Tour attendees
     daily for drop-ins. Stop by the visitors   Mayfair at Zenith park  Satur-  will find a wide selection of fine art and
     center  to  pick  up  a  map  and  see  which   day and Sunday from 10am to   beautifully  crafted  works for  every taste
     artists are open for the day!          5pm.  Live music, food, and fun   and  budget.  Art in  contemporary to
                                            for the whole family. Artwork,
     Please note: for drop-ins, please arrive   Sculptures, Jewelry, Pottery and   representational and  abstract styles  in a
     before 3pm MT and we cannot guarantee   much more. Come to Cloud-      variety of media including watercolors,
     artist availability.                                                   oils, acrylics, photography  and prints  as
                                            croft to enjoy the Art Show     well as works in clay, fiber, glass and metal
     For more information visit the website  and visit our wonderful Village!                 will delight the senses at every stop.            

       Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020             | 9
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