Page 11 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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     Eldorado Studio Tour                                                   Santa Fe Studio Tour
     OPEN STUDIOS                                                           June 15 & 16 Preview Gallery
     May 18 & 19 10 am - 5 pm both days                                     Santa Fe Woman’s Club                                              OPEN STUDIOS
     or                                        June 22 & 23 and 29 & 30
                                              Spring Festival at El Rancho   10 am - 5 pm each day
     Eldorado Studio Tour 2019                de las Golondrinas celebrates
                                              water, land & life!
                                              Please join us for fun, fiber &   Santa Fe Studio Tour 2019
                                              food. Experience traditional
                                              activities like sheep shearing,
                                              wool dyeing, canoa carving,
                                              rope making, horno bread
                                              baking, crafts for children &

                                            The  2019 Santa Fe Studio  Tour
                                            kicks off a week early with an
     The Eldorado Arts and Crafts Association   artists’ reception Friday, June
     is thrilled to announce the  28th annual   14th from 5-8 pm at the Santa Fe
     Eldorado Studio  Tour scheduled for    Woman’s Club at 1616 Old Pecos
     the weekend of May 18-19, 2019. The    Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505.  This   Santa Fe Studio Arts Collective is proud
     Eldorado Studio  Tour leads the pack of   is an opportunity for the public to   to present The  2019 Santa Fe Studio
     spring studio tours with the largest number   view all the artists’ work and map   Tour. Local artists, engaged in creating
     of  artist  and  artisan  participants  in  New   out their Studio  Tour. One piece   fine art in Santa Fe County, open their
     Mexico. We hope you’ll plan to come see   from each artist will continue to be   studios annually on the last two weekends
     us in Eldorado at Santa Fe, New Mexico.  on display at the Santa Fe Woman’s   in June for the Santa Fe Studio  Tour.
                                            Club Saturday and Sunday, June   Open to the public, a free event, this is an
     To enhance the enjoyment of your       15th and 16th 11 Am – 4 PM.     unique opportunity for the public to see
     weekend, visit the Preview Gallery at the                              the artists’ latest work and their working
     Eldorado Community Center to view a    For further info and a downloadable   environments.  Many artists will be
     representative piece of each participating   map visit                 demonstrating their techniques and all will
     artist’s work                          have art for sale.

     Eldorado is located 12 miles southeast of
     Santa Fe on US 285 off I-25N exit 290.        Cheri O’Brien Fine Art                             4
     Go south on 285 to the first traffic light                                                       2
     and turn right onto Avenida Amistad.                                                             5
     Follow the signs to the Preview Gallery                                                          -
     at the  Eldorado  Community  Center, 1                                                           3
     Hacienda Loop, at the corner of Avenida                                                          0
     Amistad and Avenida Del Monte Alto.                                                              8
     For further info and a downloadable map                                                          2
     visit                                                               0
                                                                             618 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 1

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