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#9                                       Red River Art & Wine Festival  #10

            Questa Studio Arts Tour                       June 14 - 16, 2019        Tao Open Studio Tour
                                                            Red River, NM
            OPEN STUDIOS                                                            OPEN STUDIOS
            August 17 and 18   10 am - 5 pm                                         August 31 and September 1
                                                   10 am - 5 pm
            or                                                   Taos, NM
                                                    Experience the picturesque town
                                                    of Red River, New Mexico, while
                                                    tantalizing your taste buds with
                                                    fine wines and delicacies.  Peruse
                                                    pieces of  art, pottery, jewelry
                                                    and photography from over 50
                                                    vendors. Live artists will also be
                                                    performing music every day of
                                                    the event.

             Questa Studio Arts Tour 2019                                           Each year, visitors and locals alike spend

            Explore the dramatic scenery of                                         Labor Day weekend touring the studios
            northern Taos County and meet our           Taos Fall Arts Fest 2019    of  Taos  artists.    The  12th  Annual  Taos
                                                                                    Studio Tour, August 31 and September
            inspired artists. Studios open Satur-     September 20 - 29 Taos, NM    1, features approximately 40 established
            day-Sunday 10am-5pm.                   Each  autumn,  both  locals  and        and emerging Taos artists in a variety of
                                                   visitors gather in Taos, New Mexico
            This is the first of 2019’s art tours in north-  in anticipation of the Taos Fall Arts   media including painting, sculpture, print,
            ern New Mexico. Artists from Questa and   Festival (TFAF), an opportunity   glass, fiber, clay and mixed media.  Visitors
            the surrounding communities open their   to experience and celebrate all the      can tour studios, see demonstrations, and
            studios or gather at easy-to-find hubs of-  artists of Taos.  purchase  work directly from  the artists. 
            fering unique, hand-crafted works from                                  The Tour is sponsored by the Taos Artist
            the traditional to the modern. From hand-                               Organization (TAO).   Studios are open
            carved  bultos to  exquisite  jewelry,  stun-                           from 10-5 each day.    
            ning photography, paintings, pottery and   Aspencade Art & Folk Festival
            more. The route begins on the south side    September 20 - 22, 2019
            of Questa, reaches the edge of the national   Red River, New Mexico
            forest and ends north, in Sunshine Valley.
            Start early, add a hike in the national mon-  aspencade-art-crafts-festival
            ument or a drive around the Enchanted                                   Destination: Taos, New Mexico
            Circle, and your day will be unforgettable.                             Taos, High-desert art colony. Taos, world-
                                                    36th Annual Taos Wool Festival
            Looking for great Camping?             October 5 and 6, 2019  Taos, NM  class ski resort. Taos, ancient community
            Try one of these websites for information about   9 - 5 Saturday, 9 - 4 Sunday  and land of Earthships. Taos is a place of
            the many camp sites in the area.       An  outstanding  regional  wool  mar-  convergence–of cultures, of opposites, of
                       ket  featuring  Juried  Artists,  Craft-  like minds and new perspectives.  Nowhere
                                                     else can you sample such diversity in a sin-
    ers and Vendors offering their wool,                    gle town, and all within the same day. As
                       fiber, yarns, fiber arts-related tools and   locals will tell you, Taos truly exemplifies
            Find Great places to stay at:          equipment as  well as  finished  items   New Mexico’s beloved motto, “Land of
      and other artistic, fiber creations.

            16 |                                Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020
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