Page 20 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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#17              PECOS #18                                                #19

            Pecos Studio Tour STUDIO TOUR        Angel Fire Studio Tour              El Rito Studio Tour
            OPEN STUDIOS                         OPEN STUDIOS                        OPEN STUDIOS
            September 28 and 29                  September 28 and 29                 October 5 and 6
            10 am - 5 pm                         10 am - 5 pm                        10 am - 5 pm
            or               or       or
                                                    Angel Fire Studio Tour 2019

                                                           Angel Fire Resort
                                                 This tour includes artists in Angel Fire, Black
                                                 Lake, and Taos Canyon. There will be art for   El Rito Aspens in Fall
                                                 sale, artist workshops, dance classes and mu-  Come celebrate the 33rd Annual El Rito
            Pecos Studio Tour 2019               sic! A map/brochure is available at the Angel   Studio Tour, October 5 & 6, 2019.
               Pecos National Monument           Fire Chamber of Commerce, 3407 Mountain
                                                 View Blvd. in Angel Fire and Visitor Centers   El Rito is home to a vibrant community of
            The Pecos Studio Tour is made up of a   in Taos, Santa Fe, and Raton.    artists. And once a year, like a flower in the
            loosely knit group of artists living in and                              desert after a sudden rain, El Rito blossoms,
            around the village of Pecos in northeast-  You’ll want to spend the weekend in Angel   beckoning visitors to its annual studio tour.
            ern New Mexico. Located 20 minutes  Fire for two days to complete the tour and   Fifty miles north of Santa Fe, just 12 miles
            from Santa Fe (I-25 North), our small  enjoy the scenic beauty of the Moreno  Valley   off Hwy 84, El Rito is teaming with talent
            community hosts a blend of unique peo-  during fall foliage.             in both traditional and contemporary media
            ple. Besides artists in all media, many res-  The home galleries & studios span an area of   including weaving, welding, tin and iron
            idents have long historic and cultural ties   approx. 52 miles, a two-day journey in art for   work, retablos, sculpture, pottery, paintings,
            to the area.                                                             drawings, printmaking, photography and
                                                 those wanting to cover the entire tour. The   collage, jewelry, handmade books and note
            Situated on the east  side of the Sangre  tour is based in Angel Fire but also includes   cards, furniture and carvings, and musical
            de Cristo Mountains, Pecos enjoys four  the communities of Black Lake, Taos Can-  instruments.
            beautiful  seasons.  With  clean  air  and  yon, Valle Escondido, and Eagle Nest.  The   For almost 40 years, northern New Mexico
            wonderful light, it’s the perfect atmo-  tour consists of painters using many mediums   artists have opened their homes and studios
            sphere for creating inventive art. Our  (oil, acrylic, watercolor, scratchboard), jewel-  to thousands of visitors who wend their way
            mountains also offer great outdoor rec-  ers, photographers, mixed media, recycled   to  their  small  villages  and towns to meet
            reation.                             yard art, furniture, wood sculpture, crochet,   the  artists,  experience  the  energy  of  their
                                                 quilting, fabric art, stained glass, metal sculp-  studios, and, of course, to buy wonderful
                                                 ture, potters, etc.                 art.
            20 |                                Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020
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