Page 21 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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#20                                   Discover the world of Abiquiú artists  #21
                                           as they open their studios to friends,
     Madrid Cerrillos                      old and new, during one of the most   Abiquiu Studio Tour
     Studio Tour                           beautiful times of the year in North-  OPEN STUDIOS
     OPEN STUDIOS                          ern New Mexico – fall. The Abiquiú   October 12, 13 and 14
     October 5 & 6 and October 12 & 13     Studio  Tour is a self-guided, driving   10 am - 5 pm
     10 am - 5 pm each day                 tour  that takes visitors  and  collectors      through the village of Abiquiu and the    or
     or  surrounding Chama River  Valley–a
                                           landscape of imposing mountains,
       Madrid Cerrillos Studio Tour 2019   spectacular rock formations, and the
                                           glorious  rivers of  the Piedra  Lumbra
                                           basin. Complimentary maps are avail-
                                           able at all the studios, local businesses
                                           and online for download.

                                           Wildlife West
                                           Nature Park is an
                                           non-profit zoo
                                           located in
                                           Edgewood, NM.
                                           The park
     By 2015 the Madrid-Cerrlillos Studio tour   rescued
     was celebrating their 10th anniversary as a New   animals
     Mexico Artists’ Studio Tour.  After a two-year   native to
     hiatus (they sat out the 2016 and 2017 seasons),   New Mexico.
     organizers of this once-popular studio tour have   Saturday night
     rallied the troops and are giving it a go again.  Chuckwagon
     This tour is unique, as Madrid and Cerril-  Supper Shows are   Tours - Crafts - U-Pick Lavender Field
     los are the home to hundreds of artists and   a local favorite.   All Natural Lavender Bath & Body Shoppe
     scores of galleries and shops as well as unique   Suppers include
                                           a traditional
     dining and entertainment venues.  From full   barbecue dinner        Lunch in the TeaHouse
     time practicing artists to emerging artists, to   of brisket and   Overlooking the Lavender Fields
     the beautiful Cerrillos Hills and Ortiz Moun-  chicken (vegetari-  Spend the day in a peaceful surrounding
     tains, this tour has it all.  For more informa-  an option is always   and relax to the absolute beauty of lavender
     tion call 505-469-7767.               available), wildlife           . . . and don’t forget the
                                           presentation, our
     Destination: Cerrillos & Madrid, New   unique falcon            Lavender in the Valley Festival !
     Mexico.   Travel  the  scenic Turquoise Trail   show, and live   2nd weekend in July - July 13 & 14, 2019
     and experience the village of Madrid nestled   music–typically
     in a narrow canyon in the Ortiz Mountains.   western, bluegrass
     Once a historic coal mining town and ghost   or an acoustic mix.
     town, Madrid is now a creative communi-  June 15, June 29,             Wild Rivers Plein Air
     ty with over 40 shops and galleries, several   July 13, July 27,     Festival 2019 July 16-21
     restaurants, a spa and museum. A couple   August 10, August          Wild Rivers Recreation Area,
     miles north is the quaint village Cerrillos that   21, August 31    Río Grande Del Norte National Monument,
                                           Saturday Nights
     includes a state park with hiking paths and   6 PM              The Historic Village of Questa, NM and
                                                                      The mountain meadows of Red River.
     horseback riding.                     (505) 281-7655             Visit us online

       Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020             | 21
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