Page 17 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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#11 Studio Tour 2019 #12 #13
Chama Valley Studio Tour Rio Costilla Studio Tour Alameda Studio Tour
August 31 and September 1 September 7 and 8 10 am - 5 pm September 7 and 8 10 am - 5 pm
10 am - 5 pm or or
or Rio Costilla Studio Tour 2019
Chama Valley Studio Tour 2019
Tour 2019
The 21st Annual Rio Costilla Studio Alameda is home to many established
The Chama Valley Studio Tour is Tour artists and artisans invite You to and emerging fine artists and skilled
celebrating its 13th year. not only a window into the life of living craftspeople. The tour began in 2011
in the Northern most tip of New Mexico when 25 artists opened their studios to
Artists from Northern New Mexico open and Southern Colorado, but they are also
their studios to the public along high- opening their doors and hearts to the the public, inspiring, educating, and of-
ways 64 and 84 from Tierra Amarilla and process of their art. fering their work for sale. The event expe-
Chama, NM, East up the Brazos Can- rienced great success and has grown each
yon and West to Heron Lake and Chama Stand in their studios/homes and soak
West. Questa is located 45 minutes north up what they view every day, look at The artists participating in the Tour in-
of Ghost Ranch. what fuels their creativity. The Sangre de clude both traditional and abstract paint-
The Chama Valley Studio Tour has a Cristo mountains are to the East, the Rio ers, sculptors, fiber artists, print makers,
weavers, jewelers, glass artists, and doll
huge variety of art represented. Large Grande gorge is to the West and Mount
sculptures, metal work including metal Blanca is majestic on the edge of the makers. The diversity of artisans and
bells, knives and black smithing. Paint- beautiful San Luis Valley. This Tour is an the natural, historic beauty of Alameda
ings in all mediums, fabric art including authentic experience. is what sets this studio tour apart from
quilts and hand dyed, woven traditional others.
Northern New Mexican rugs, and much For two days the old historic streets and Nestled in Albuquerque’s north valley is
more. plazas come to life through friendship, art the historic village of Alameda. On the
and food. You will see wild flower fields side streets, such as Guadalupe Trail, you
Communities represented are Los Ojos, in full bloom, rug hooking, painting,
Laguna Vista, Chama West, the Brazos bronze as well as glass sculpture, furniture, will often find yourself on narrow dirt
Canyon and Chama. Over 40 artists are ceramics, hand quilting, photography, and gravel roads which lead to rustic
represented or participating. digital art and more. adobe houses, horse and cattle pastures,
apple orchards and brilliant green alfalfa
Ride the Labor Day steam train, the fields. Hidden in the rural beauty are the
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, vis- There are B&B’s through out the studios of many artisans eager to share
it the artists on the Chama Valley Stu- Tour, see for a list their creativity.
dio Tour and spend a cool, refreshing of artists and more information on
weekend in Chama, NM. lodging.
Art Events N E W M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020 | 17