Page 18 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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#14                                                                     #15

                                                                                    Pojoaque River Art Tour
            Sandia Heights Studio Tour                                              OPEN STUDIOS
            OPEN STUDIOS                                                            September 14 and 15
            September 14 and 15                                                     10 am - 5 pm
            10 am - 5 pm                                                  
         The 26th Annual                    or
            or          Pojoaque River Art Tour               Pojoaque River Art Tour 2019
             Sandia Heights Studio Tour 2019     A Northern New Mexico
                                                 Tri-Cultural Experience.
                                                 Join  us  for  the  26th  Annual
                                                 Pojoaque River Art Tour and discov-
                                                 er the wealth of creative talent of the
                                                 three cultures of the beautiful Pojoa-
                                                 que River Valley. Visitors will enjoy a
                                                 wide variety of quality art and craft by
                                                 Native American, Hispanic, and An-
                                                 glo artists along the tour route, which
                                                 can be navigated in a single day. We
                                                 are expanding to collaborate with the
                                                 Santa Fe Thun-
                                                 der Half Mara-
            The  16th  Annual  Sandia  Heights        thon and their   The Finest In Art & Craft Since 1982
            Artists Studio  Tour 2019 will take   featured Pueblo            A Fall Tradition
            place on September 14 and 15, 2019   artists and inter-
            in the Sandia Heights neighborhood of                           national indige-
            Albuquerque, NM.                     nous artisans at

            Fifteen years ago a group of eight artists   the Poeh Center
            joined together to celebrate art among   the same days!
            friends  and  neighbors  by  creating  the   Watch to see
            Sandia Heights Artists Studio Tour. This   how it develops!            the 38           ?
            annual event has continued to grow   The Pojoaque
            and to emphasize the community. San-  River Art Tour
            dia Heights is in the foothills of Albu-  was created in
            querque. The Sandia Mountain rises to   1992 by artists
            the east, and there is an expansive view   William Preston
            of the city and Indian Country to the   and Marianne
            west, which makes a stunning backdrop   Hornbuckle
            for Tour stops. The tour will feature sev-  as a vehicle for              2019
            eral artists per location. New artists are   exposure of
            welcomed each year, all of whom em-  artwork inde-
            brace their media with enthusiasm. The   pendent of the    November 2 & 3
            result is a fascinating artistic diversity:   gallery system,         9am-5pm
            from woodwork, to oil, watercolor, and   and for creation
            acrylic paintings, from jewelry of silver   of community
            and beaded pieces to fiber art, gourd art,   among the art-  information and maps - 575.776.7431
            mixed  media, photography, and hand-  ists and artisans
            built as well as wheel-thrown pottery.  living in the Pojoaque River Valley.
             18 |                               Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020
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