Page 23 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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                                                                   Zuni artist and
                                                                    master potter
                                                                  Noreen Simplicio
                                                               creates a special edition
                                                                    of her famed
                                                                     Pueblo Pots
                                                                  especially for the
                                                                 2019-2020 edition of
                                                               ArtEvents New Mexico
                                                               and Studio Tour Guide.

                                                                                              Be sure to check out
                                                                                              Noreen’s YouTube
                                                                                              video from the “I am
                                                                                              a Zuni Artist” video
                                                                                              series, produced by
                                                                                              ShiwiSun Productions.
      at the May
      Zuni                                                                               Keshi, My name is Noreen
      MainStreet                                                                         Simplicio.  My future as a
      Festival and                                                                       Zuni potter began when I
      Artwalk                                                                            was a young child, playing
      -Zuni                      Art contest entry by Zuni artist
      Pueblo, NM                 and photographer Jeff Shetima                           with mud and making mud
         From The Corridor Summer 2019 issue :                                           pots.  When I first attend-
                                                                                         ed High School in 1977, I
        In our quest to create the  photographed for the cover                           took basic pottery classes.
          perfect cover for our  of our Art Guide.  After a                              These classes were instruct-
             2019-2020           day of visitng the art booths,                          ed by a Acoma woman by
       ArtEvents New Mexico &    observing the social dances                             the name of Jennie Laate.
          Studio Tour Guide      in  the  dance  arena,  walking     Noreen Simplicio    As I began to develop the
           we ventured out to    around  the  accompanying      skills of pottery making, I met another Acoma Zia wom-
           visit our friends at  fairgrounds, tasting the req-  an by the name of Angelina Medina.  With the mento-
        Zuni Pueblo during their   uisite  fair  foods,  and  even   ring and teachings from both these women, I was able
        annual MainStreet Fair   getting a good laugh from the   to master the art of Zuni Pottery.  I have about 35 years
      and Artwalk for May, 2019.  adult watermelon eating con-  of experience, which is why I consider myself a master
                                 test, we met up with Noreen    potter.  My unique pottery forms are characterized by
      On the ArtWalk side a tent  at  her  home  to  photograph   distinctive designs that combine traditional Zuni pot-
      was  set  up  representing  the  her art piece.  Jeff Shetima,   tery symbols, with contemporary design elements of my
      work of the artists who par-  Zuni artist and photog-     own creations.  I often create pieces from my heart to
      ticipate in the monthly Zuni  rapher, worked with us to   stress the universal harmony that should be shared and
      Artwalk Tour.  Here we met  capture the perfect photo     be maintained among all living things.
      up wth  Noreen Simplicio,  that would best present and
      Master Zuni Potter, who  highlight  Noreen’s  amazing     If you are interested in Noreen’s artwork please
      had created a special issue of  dimensional artpiece.     contact her directly.  (505) 862-3607 or by email
      her famed Pueblo Pots to be

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