Page 19 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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#16                                    Always  a  favorite,  the  High  Road        TAKE THE
                                            Artisans Art Tour will take place over 2
     High Road Artisans                     weekends again in 2019, September 21
     New Mexico Art Tour                    & 22 and September 28 & 29.          HIGH  ROAD
     OPEN STUDIOS                           The High Road to Taos Scenic Byway is
     September 21 and 22                    a lovely, winding road through the San-   Studio Tour
     September 28 and 29                    gre de Cristo Mountains between Santa   September 21-22
     10 am - 5 pm each day             Fe and Taos. It offers magnificent vistas    September 28-29
                                            of snow-capped peaks, alpine meadows,
     or               and charming traditional  Spanish and
      High Road Artisans NM Tour 2019
                                            Pueblo villages.
                                            On both weekends during the tour
                                            there will be farmers’ markets set-up at       A YEAR-ROUND  State
                                            Gaucho Blue in Peñasco and at        ATTRACTION             Roads
                                            High Road Art Gallery in Truchas.
                                                                                                      75 & 76
                                            While  the  High  Road  Art  Tour
                                            Brochure  is  meant  to  be  used  as  a
                                            year-round guide to the studio sites
                                            within the region, please note that not
                                            all sites on the map are open for visitors
                                            year-round. Please call or email the ar-             1.888.866.3643
                                            tist(s) before you go on days other than

     Artist Profiles: 3 High Road Artists   the studio tour weekends.   
     Clodie Francois
     French-born artist Clodie Francois settled in New Mexico in 2000.      Clodie Francois
     With a background as a journalist for the newspaper Liberation,
     and working backstage and onstage in the theater as a play writer,        Mesdames
     director, actress and singer, Clodie migrated to the Land of Enchant-        Carton
     ment, drawn by the light and the raw beauty of the landscapes, the
     people and their multicultural traditions. Clodie works in mixed             Studio
     media  to  create  whimsical  manifestations  of  her  imagination  in   (505) 689-1194
     the form of lamps and furniture.  Her furniture is made with lay-
     ers of cardboard.  Today she focuses more on creating lamps with  
     branches, tree roots and paper.
     Lise Poulsen
     Lise has been working with fibre in its various guises for nearly 30
     years. She continues to experiment with new directions in felt work,
     being inspired by innovators in Europe and the US. Lise’s latest
     work is a series of ‘Bosch Monsters’ - solid felted creatures emerging
     from some unknown depths of her imagination!
     Nick Beason
     Nick was first attracted to print making while hanging out at the
     Zeller 9 Gallery on the Fulham Road in Chelsea. After sessions at
     Winchester Art College studying etching, he was truly hooked.
     Look for our new Artist Profiles page for in-depth
     profiles, interviews and video perspectives
     from artists across New Mexico.

       Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020             | 19
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