Page 15 - ArtEventsNewMexico&StudioTouGuide 2019-2020_Neat
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      Art Loop Studio Tour               Alto Artists Studio Tour
      OPEN STUDIOS                       Preview Party July 31               Carrizozo Studio Tour
      July 5, 6 & 7                      at the Spencer Theater              August 16 Free Preview Party
      10 am - 5 pm each day              OPEN STUDIOS                        OPEN STUDIOS           August 2 and 3   10 am - 5 pm       August 17 and 18   11 am - 4 pm
      or                     Sunday, August 4   12 pm - 4 pm     or
      Art Loop Studio Tour 2019
                                         or                   Carrizozo Studio Tour 2019
                                          Alto Artists Studio Tour

      This is ART LOOP™ STUDIO TOUR’S                                        Welcome to the
      24th year!                                                             Carrizozo Arts Weekend.
                                         A Summer Tradition since 2003.
      The 2019 Art Loop™ Studio Tour opens   Alto Artists Tour               The Carrizozo Arts Festival and Artist
      its twenty fourth year tour honoring some   Preview Party: July 31, 2019  Studio Tour takes place Saturday, Aug.
      of the finest artists in in Lincoln County.                            17 and Sunday, Aug. 18 throughout
      Art Loop™  began  as  a  creative  venture   Alto Artists Tour is proud to   the town of Carrizozo, New Mexico.
      among artists 24 years ago and continues   welcome Oliver Enjady, an Apache   The tour opens the courtyards and homes
      to be one of the most successful studio   artist from Mescalero, as a special   of some of the most private professional
      tours in Southern New Mexico. Nineteen   guest at the Artist Preview Party at   and aspiring creatives in the state. Works
      artists showed in seventeen studios   the Spencer Theater on           vary from illustration to pottery to woven
      last year demonstrating their craft and   July 31, 2019 from 5 – 7 pm.   copper to tile, raku, sculpture and sewing,
      discussing their creative process.  Tour: August 2 – 4, 2019           porcelain and painting. What binds them
                                                                             are the colors, light, forms and quirkiness
      This  is  a  great  opportunity  to  discover   Friday & Saturday 10 am – 5 pm  particular to this remote place.
      the studios in the scenic Sacramento   Sunday 12 pm – 4 pm
      Mountains. Enjoy the cool summer air in
      July. This year’s tour is only for three days,
      July 5-7, 2019.

      This is a self guided tour.  So spend the
      day enjoying the majestic mountain views
      and take your time visiting each artist’s
      studio location.

      Some artists will be demonstrating so that
      you can see, first hand, the skills they use
      when creating their artwork.

       Art Events N E W  M E X I C O & Studio Tour Guide 2019 - 2020             | 15
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