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            Silver City Artists’ Studio Tour                                        Placitas Studio Tour
            OPEN STUDIOS                                                            OPEN STUDIOS
            May 4 & 5 10 am - 5 pm both days                                        May 11 & 12 10 am - 5 pm both days
            or                                                    or

                                                          PAINTINGS AND

                                                                                     Placitas Studio Tour 2019
            Mild weather, warm ceramics, and hot
            glass! It’s the first weekend in May and its                            Welcome to the twenty-second annual
            RED DOT Studio  Tour time in  Silver                                    Placitas  Studio Tour  where over sixty
            City, New Mexico.                                                       artists  will  open  their  studio  doors  and
                                                                                    share with you the fascinating spaces where
            Oil, watercolor, and acrylic painters,   Join us this Memorial Day Week-  the artwork is created.
            encaustic artists, metal sculptors, found   end in Silver City, New Mexico for
            object artists, jewelers, photographers,   a fun-filled weekend of blues, art   Inspiring and enriching the growing
            weavers,   potters,  clay   sculptors,  and more.                       cultural community of Placitas, this free,
            watercolorists, and woodworkers join      self-guided, self-driven tour once again has
            for the weekend of May 3-4-5 to share   4th Annual Gila Glass           many new artists that add to the already
            with the public their creative methods   Classic Charity                wide array of art that is offered during this
            and  mediums,  by  opening    their  private   Flame-Off Glassblowing, fire    two-day event.
            studios. Artists will be working and   dancers, judging and silent auction.
            explaining what they are doing and why                                  Creations in paint, mixed media, fiber,
            they do it. Visitors may also get the chance                            glass, ceramics, jewelry, wood, metal,
            to participate! Most studios will have work                             sculpture, pottery, photography, and more
            for sale but some will just be open to                                  are a part of this behind-the-scenes peek at
            converse and share. This is a no-pressure                               our growing artistic community.
            self - guided tour.                                                     Please explore our website to preview the
                                                   The Silver City Art Association
            Silver City is a destination city. From I -10   (SCAA) and Mimbres Regional   artists and plan your tour through Placitas,
            go north from Lordsburg on 90 or from   Arts Council (MRAC) invites Plein   enjoying the beautiful vistas at every turn
            Deming drive north on 18O. From I-25   Air artists to “Paint Out Silver!”   as the fascinating studios await you.
            there are two options: go west on 152 to   in conjunction with the Silver City   Brochures are available at all studio
            west on 180 OR get off I-25 at Hatch and   Blues Festival.              locations and at the Homestead Village
            go west on 26 to north on 180. Highway                                  Gazebo just two miles east on Hwy 165.
            152 is beautiful but winding.          Visit the website for more
                                                   information                      For further information: (505)515-4323
            Visit us online at

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