Page 20 - UNAM 30 Year Milestones & Key Moments Brochure
P. 20
30 2013 - 2022
...3rd decade
The institution went through an extensive Fun Fact:
rebranding exercise, with a new logo, brand UNAM ranked
colours and a tagline: “Open your mind” 29th in Africa (by
the University web
ranking system (2016)
Introducing our new Identity
As a fast developing institution, it became necessary to re-align the brand to
cater for a better balance in research and teaching, speak to its students and
stakeholders alike, while addressing the needs of a country. This was achieved
by incorporating elements from the past, present and future...
Unbound from tradition, UNAM is uniquely positioned to offer relevant and
If there is space, there can be focus, and if there is focus, the innovative academic programmes and outputs. By always remaining objective
mind can be clear; the mind can be open. Not constrained by and critical, we create relevant, future-fit qualifications.
the past, nor alarmed by the future, in the vast openness that Introducing our new Identity
is Namibia, a jewel, a splash of brilliance shines bright. A space
to think objectively. A space to fill your mind with progressive The essence of our new identity is thus: As a fast developing institution, it became necessary to re-align the brand to
thoughts and a space for your brain to breathe. Opening endless cater for a better balance in research and teaching, speak to its students and
opportunities for endless possibilities. Relevance through Progressive Wisdom stakeholders alike, while addressing the needs of a country. This was achieved
by incorporating elements from the past, present and future...
Unbound from tradition, UNAM is uniquely positioned to offer relevant and
If there is space, there can be focus, and if there is focus, the innovative academic programmes and outputs. By always remaining objective
mind can be clear; the mind can be open. Not constrained by and critical, we create relevant, future-fit qualifications.
the past, nor alarmed by the future, in the vast openness that
is Namibia, a jewel, a splash of brilliance shines bright. A space
to think objectively. A space to fill your mind with progressive The essence of our new identity is thus:
Contact us: thoughts and a space for your brain to breathe. Opening endless
opportunities for endless possibilities. Relevance through Progressive Wisdom
University of Namibia; Private Bag 13301; Windhoek; ( +264 61 206 3111; Fax: +264 61 206 3446
E-mail:; Website:
( +264-61 206 3111 s
Contact us:
University of Namibia; Private Bag 13301; Windhoek; ( +264 61 206 3111; Fax: +264 61 206 3446
E-mail:; Website:
( +264-61 206 3111 s