Page 23 - UNAM 30 Year Milestones & Key Moments Brochure
P. 23

30                       2013 - 2022

                ...3rd decade

        UNAM Rugby wins 3rd consecutive Rugby
        Premier League title, whilst maintaining a
        28 games unbeaten streak!
                                    Official Weekly Communique of the University of Namibia - Volume 25

                University Rugby Team wins NRU Trophy for three consecutive years
        T he epitome of sporting excellence
          can only be achieved through
          dominance, and this has been
        shown by the FNB UNAM Rugby Club.
        The Clever Boys, as they are famously
        known by their undying and ever present
        support base, have managed to clinch
        the Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) Premier
        League Trophy for three consecutive
        years – whilst maintaining a 28 games
        unbeaten streak!
        In their final match, the Clever Boys
        showed their rugby prowess over their
        rivals, defeating Wanderers 42-28 at the
                     be champions and we hope that we will   Coach  Jeffrey  emphasised  that
        Hage Geingob Rugby Stadium.  It was   achieve more in the near future,” said     “the form of the indomitable student
        the fourth time these two teams met   rugby team has led to the influx of
        in the final, with the FNB UNAM Rugby   Senior Sports Officer and FNB-UNAM   numerous players being  called  up
        team managing to outsmart their rivals   Rugby Coach, Werner Jeffrey. Playing
                                   to the Welwitschias, to represent  the
        in the past three encounters.    their attacking, expansive and physical   country on the African stage.” He is  UNAM PRESS LAUNCHES
                     rugby, the Clever Boys managed
                                   of the opinion  that regular high level
        “The team has shown pure master-  to overcome their adversaries by   exposure on such platforms could  BOOK ON DEMOCRACY
        class and maintained momentum   following the game plan they perfected
                                                      IN EDUCATION
        throughout the season. They deserve to   throughout the rugby season.    benefit more of his palyers.
              CHANCELLOR’S GOLF DAY                NAM Press recently launched
                                                   ‘Democracy and Education
            RAISES FUNDS FOR STUDENTS Uin Namibia and Beyond
                                                – a critical appraisal’. The book
          he 2017 of  Namibia                   was edited by Associate Professor
                                                         Fun Fact:
          (UNAM) Foundation recently            Elizabeth M. Amukugo. Dr Itah Kandjii-
                                                Murangi, Minister of Higher Education,
          hosted the auspicious seventh
        Commonwealth Conference held outside    Training and Innovation, officiated as
        T(7th) annual Chancellor’s Golf
                                                special guest at the occasion.
        Day at  the well renowned Omeya
        London for the 1st time, in Namibia by UNAM      UNAM celebrates
        Golf Club.  This  year  the event
                                                The book debates the education–
                                                                 Hon Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi
        coincides with the 25th Anniversary
        celebrations  of  the  University       democracy nexus in Namibia and   According to Prof Amukugo, the
                                                         25th anniversary:
                                                the Southern African context. It
        (August 2017)                           defines and explores the meaning of   book examines the meaning of
        of Namibia. The overwhelming
        attendance to the Golf Day was
        evident with 12 teams taking part in   Hon Sacky Shangala (MP) (middle) and Prof Frednard Gideon (far right)   democracy and related concepts.   democracy,  its  relationship  to
                                                         “25 Years of
        the day’s competition.      pictured  here with the Nampower team.   It also looks at what democracy   education on the one hand, and to
                                                means in the context of human rights
                      weekend for two at the Commodore   An amount of N$25,334 was raised to   social justice on the other. “It became
        The occasion was graced by two   Hotel in Cape Town and Air Namibia   help the Student Hardship Fund as it   and access to education.  The ten   apparent, that the term democracy
        of  UNAM’s  prominent  Alumni,  tickets to get them there.  The prize for   aims to provide contingency  funds   chapter book collection interrogates
                                                         Excellence” (2017)
        Sacky Shangala, Attorney General   the most golf played was awarded   for  students in exceptional financial   the strengths and limitations of   can  be  interpreted  differently
        of Namibia, and Mr Tega Shiimi   to the Namibia Asset Management   distress. The Director of UNAM   education as an instrument of social   depending on divergent theoretical
                                                change and questions whether or not
        Inauguration of the German Wing, Phase III           and ideological viewpoints,” she
                      sponsored team. Individual prizes
        yaShiimi, CEO at Sanlam Investment
                                   Foundation, Ms Lorna Mbwale said,
                                                the Namibian educational objectives
                      were  awarded to Mr Alan  Brennan
        Management Namibia, who spoke
        about  their experiences as  UNAM   for Nearest to the Pin 17 – a weekend   “We as UNAM are sincerely  grateful   and practices do develop and help
                                   to  all the sponsors that  made the
        of the Engineering Campus (Sept 2017)   to sustain a democratic culture in   The book launch concluded with  a
                      for two at Divava Okavango Resort &
        students and the impact the institution
                                   Chancellor’s Golf Day possible and
                      Spa; and Ms Adri Pienaar for Longest
        had on their lives. The two gentlemen
        shared sentiments  of gratitude for   Drive 11 – a weekend for two at Avani   we will always welcome you to be   panel discussion, that consisted of the
        being part of the competition that   Windhoek Hotel and Casino.  part of the UNAM Community”.  At  the book launch, Dr Kandjii-  contributors of the book, and was led
        was established for a good cause.       Murangi said:  “This book addresses   by Professor Kingo Mchombu, Acting
                                                real topical  issues and raises critical
        The abundance of  sponsors made   An amount of N$25,334 was raised to help   pedagogical questions.  I believe the   Vice-Chancellor of  the International
                                                             University of Management.  The book
        sure that  each team  walked away   the Student Hardship Fund as it aims to   fact that each chapter is preceded   is available at the Namibia Book
        with a prize, with top honours going   provide contingency funds for students in   by relevant questions, the book will   YEARS
        Unveiling of the Benguela Wind Power    promote and embed  a student-  Market or any of the local bookshops
                                                       of of Excellence
        to the NamPower team. Each team
                              exceptional financial distress.
        walked away  with a prize off a
        Demonstration Project/Lüderitz Wind Power
        Demonstration Project (LWPDP) (Sept 2017)
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