Page 46 - UNAM Strategic Plan (REVIEWED) 2019-2024
P. 46

9.1       Scorecard Matrix


                 Strategic   Strategic     Measure/KPI         Targets                      Strategic initiatives             Resp.           Cost (000)
                  theme    objective                                                                                                   22     23     24    Total
                                                                          Coordinate the development and implementation of divisional
                                                              BL = 67%    management plans                                    PVCs     -       -      -      -
                                                              19 = 75%
                           Improved        Strategy           20 = 75%    Develop  and  implement  the  costing  model  (acquiring  a
                           strategic and   performance        21 = 75%    consultant to develop a costing framework for the operations   AF   2,000   2000   -   4,000
                           financial       rate               22 = 75%    of the University)
                           planning                                       Rollout  the  PMS  to  division  and  individual  employee  levels
                                                              23 = 78%
                                                              24 = 80%    (acquiring  a  consultant  to  develop,  deploy  and  support  the   DSIP   3,500   1,600   1,000   6,100
                                                                          functioning of the PMS)
                                                          BL = 1 010 000 000
                                                           19 = 912 542 000
                                                           20 = 912 542 000
                                           Amount of 1st   21 = 844 091 000   Coordinate the engagement with Government on subvention    AF   -   -   -      -
                                           stream income
                     Institutional Sustainability          24 = 851 000 000   Develop pricing model for programmes and courses (acquire a   AF   -     -   -
                                                           22 = 851 000 000
                                                           23 = 851 000 000

                                                                          consultant to develop a costing model for programmes as part
                                                                          of the cost-optimisation project)
                                                                          Develop  and  implement  a  marketing  strategy  to  increase
                                                           BL = 631 000 000
                           Increase revenue
                                                                          Initiate and implement targeted recruitment strategies
                                                           20 = 700 000 000
                                           Amount of 2nd   19 = 700 000 000   student enrolment (National and International Students)    AA   -   -  -   -   -
                                                           21 = 700 000 000
                                                                          Establish standard-level of accommodation supply per campus
                                           stream income
                                                           22 = 700 000 000   -  with  concentration  to  quantity  and  quality  (site  visit  to   AF   -   50   -   50
                                                           23 = 720 000 000   campuses)
                                                           24 = 750 000 000
                                                                          Assess the impact of curriculum transformation on revenue   PVC AF   -   -   -     -
                                                                                                                              & AA
                                                                          Develop  a  business  plan  to  upgrade  and  expand  student   AF   -   -   -     -
                                                                          residence capacity at UNAM Campuses
                                                           BL =  50 000 000
                                           Amount of 3rd   19 = 169 000 000    Undertake research and consultancy initiatives    PVCs   -      -      -      -
                                           stream  income
                                                           20 = 169 000 000

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