Page 50 - UNAM Strategic Plan (REVIEWED) 2019-2024
P. 50

BL = -
                                                               19 = -     Identify, map, reengineer, synchronise and automate business
                                           Number of re-       20 = -     processes UNAM wide                                 PVCs     -       -      -      -
                                           engineered          21 = -
                                           business            22 = 8
                                           processes                      Identify  business  processes  re-engineering  for  review  and   AF   -   -   -   -
                                                               23 = 10    implementation (registration, culture)
                                                               24 = 15
                                                                          Implement  advanced  technology  to  enhance  safety  and
                                                                          security (acquisition of specialised security technology such as   AF   5,000   5,000   5,000   15,000
                                                              BL = 56%    cctv, biometrics etc)
                                                              19 = 70%
                                                              20 = 70%    Implement customer service charter                   AF      -       -      -      -
                                           Customer           21 = 70%    Inculcate institutional values for all staff        PVCs     -       -      -      -
                           Improved        Satisfaction rate   22 = 70%   Develop  and  implement  student  service  charter  (Internal
                           administrative                     23 = 72%    resources to be used to develop a student service charter)   AF   -   50    -     50
                           management                         24 = 75%
                                                                          Develop student engagement strategy (acquiring a consultant
                                                                          to develop a student engagement strategy)            AF     250      -      -     250
                                                                          Rollout Performance Management System at all levels    PVCs   -      -      -      -
                                                                          Train staff to embrace technology                   PVCs     -       -      -      -
                                                              BL = 6.08   Implement organizational culture change (acquiring consultant
                                                              19 = 6.5    to   conduct   cultural   change   readiness   and   post   AF   500   1,000   -   1,500
                                                              20 = 6.5
                                           Staff productivity             implementation)
                                           rate               21 = 6.5    Increase  opportunities  for  formal  training  (staff  development   AF   4,500   4,500   4,500   13,500
                                                               22 = 7
                                                               23 = 7     budget)
                                                               24 = 7     Strengthen  staff  engagement  and  wellbeing  of  staff
                                                                          (honorarium  payment  for  the  development  of  a  guide  for    AF   -   50   -   50
                                                                          Develop and implement an ICT and Cyber Security Strategy     AF   -   3,000   1,500   4,500
                                                                          Develop and Review of the ICT Governance and Cyber Security   AF   -   -    -      -
                                                               BL = -     Framework
                                           % Target            19 = -     Establish  ICT  and  Cyber  Security  Risk  Register  and  ensure
                           Improve and     Compliance in       20 = -     implementation of mitigation strategies from risk logs   AF   -      -      -      -
                           strengthen ICT   the ICT            21 = -
                           governance      Governance         22 = 70%    Implement integrated ICT systems                     AF     5,000   5,000   5,000   15,000
                                           Framework          23 = 75%    Implement backbone ICT infrastructure                AF     8,000   10,000   10,000   28,000
                                                              24 = 80%    Establish  University  wide  ICT  projects  (ICT  projects  that
                                                                          impact/cover  the  whole  University  community  not  specific   AF   -   7,500   7,500   15,000
                                                                          departments or campuses)

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