Page 70 - UNAM Strategic Plan (REVIEWED) 2019-2024
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Customer Satisfaction The indicator measures the satisfaction of primary customers such as Percentage (%) Survey Report
rate students and staff using the seven-point score rating.
Staff productivity rate The indicator measures the extent to which the employee meets their Rate Survey Report or
goals in terms of total outputs against total inputs (where the inputs is a Institutional Staff
metric inclusive of skills, leadership, motivation and staff performance rate Performance Rate
while the output is the strategy performance target). A proxy indicator will
be Institutional Staff Performance Rating (the extent to which the staff
member meets their outputs).
% Target Compliance This indicator measures the extent to which the institution is compliant with Percentage (%) DICTS Business Review
in the ICT Governance the relevant internal policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and Report
Framework international best practices (i.e. COBIT) as outlined in the ICT Policy.
Higher Education Graduate Employability
Completion rate The indicator measures percentage number of students (UG and PG) in a Percentage (%) DSIP Student
given cohort who have completed their studies in record (normal time). Performance Reports
% of students placed This indicator measures the percentage of students attached against the Percentage (%) CILT Business Review
on CWIE total of students required to be attached for that academic year. Report
Graduate This indicates the % of graduates who secured employment in the first year Percentage (%) Tracer Study Report
employment rate (one after graduation.
year after graduation)
Student satisfaction This indicator refers to the satisfaction of the students with regard to Percentage (%) Survey Report
rate student experience at UNAM.
Transformative Research, Innovation and Enterprise Development
Number of This indicator measures the number of innovation outputs handed over to Number (#) IDA Business Review
commercialised INCEPTUS for commercialisation. Report
innovation outputs
Number of certified This indicator measures the number of research facilities that meet the Number (#) CRS Business Review
research facilities ISO9001 certification requirements. Report
Number of This indicator measures the number of internationally accredited articles Number (#) UNAM Research
publications in which have gone through and passed a scientific review process. Repository and
accredited journals Annual ScVal Analysis