Page 15 - Doctoral Academy Level 2 Programme 2023
P. 15

Level 2 – Advance Research Certificate

               Second Semester - Day 5

               Course Title: Manuscript Preparation for High Impact Journal Submission in Healthcare

               Course Objectives:

                   •  To provide an overview of the publication process for healthcare research papers
                   •  To discuss the essential elements of a research paper for high-impact journals in
                   •  To provide guidelines on how to prepare a manuscript for high-impact journal
                   •  To identify the common errors in manuscript preparation and strategies for avoiding
                   •  To equip participants with the skills necessary to prepare a successful manuscript for
                       high-impact journal submission in the healthcare.

               Course Outline:

               Morning Session (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

               Session 1: Introduction to Journal Publication

               Session 2: Essential Elements of a Research Paper

               Session 3: Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

               Afternoon Session (2:00 PM - 4:30 PM)

               Session 4: Common Errors in Manuscript Preparation

               Session 5: Discussion and Feedback

               Course Materials:

                   •  PowerPoint presentation
                   •  Handouts on manuscript preparation guidelines
                   •  Sample research paper for review

               Course Format:

                   •  Lectures: The course will be taught through a combination of lectures, presentations,
                       and case studies.
                   •  Interactive Activities: Group activities and discussions will be used to enhance
                       learning and engagement.

               Course Facilitator: TBA

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