Page 8 - Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies (NSDS) Brochure 2023
P. 8
Specialized Intermediate Level Courses
Admission Requirements:
Primarily targeted at practicing Namibian Diplomats and/or other Officials working in
the International Relation space
Certificate of competence attained from Introductory Level Induction Courses run by
the Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies
Undergraduate Qualifications in Social Science fields
Minimum three (3) years’ experience
Recognition of relevant Prior Learning
Economic • Economic diplomacy evolution 16 October – 3 November
Diplomacy and models (e.g. Chinese) 2023
• Economic Diplomacy institutional (14 days of 4 hours each)
capacity working with key 16 Credits
stakeholders economic ministries,
trade and investment promotion
bodies, chambers of commerce
• Key elements of Namibia’s Trade,
Investment, Banking, Tourisms,
Agricultural and Industrial
Development policies
• Leveraging foreign commercial
and financial as well as
development cooperation
relations in support of Namibia’s
foreign policy goal
• Trade Promotion attracting foreign
business, investments, technologies
and tourists
• International Trade and Investment
Law WTO regulations and
requirements as well as free trade
and preferential trade agreements
• International trade negotiations
• Tools and platforms for economic
diplomacy – e.g. exchanges
of business delegations, and
participation in trade exhibitions
• Roles, functions and relations for a
commercial or economic section
in an embassy
• Simulation exercises