Page 101 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 101
Unit 3 54
Unit 3
B Listen and Circle 2 12
1 2 3 4 c:
call Cindy cite Lucky cab, call, camp, can, cane, cap, car, cash,
cell candy cute Lucy cave, coast, coat, cone, cool, cube, cute
c (ce, ci, cy):
C Listen and Read 2 13
ceiling, celery, cell, cent, cereal, circus,
Alice, Bruce, chance, choice, dance, mice,
Cherry has a campfire party.
office, prince, rice, twice, voice
She is drinking some iced juice.
They are dancing in a circle. campfire ᐄ˦
Watch out! iced Ώٙ
Cherry's cape is on fire. juice ؈͒
dance ༪ႀ
Phil comes to help.
circle ਸ਼
He puts out the fire.
cape מࠬ
Cherry kisses Phil on his face.
come Ը
face ᑕ
三 發音教學 2 10 分鐘 CD2 10-11
1. ࢪਗ਼ c (ce, ci, cy) ೯ࠪԷο center city bicycle ᄳίලؐɪdԨሗኪ͛༧ਮf
2. ሗɓЗኪ͛ɪ̨dࢪΎਮɓϣ೯ࠪԷοdሗ̨ɪኪ͛ਗ਼οʕ೯ [s] ٙο͎ਸ਼ৎԸdԷνj
center city bicyclef
3. ࢪ੭ਮ೯ࠪ c [s]dኪ͛༧ਮdᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐᛓ፫ʿਮᛘ೯ࠪf
4. ࢪ৪ͪ೯ࠪὁdˏኬኪ͛˸೯ࠪۆܳਮఊοdԷνj[s], [s], centeri[s], [s], city i
[s], [s], bicycledᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐਮ͍̈ᆽٙ೯ࠪf
5. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛ᛓɓཁ೯ࠪᗲ˖dΎ༧ഹ CD ਮɓཁf
ࢪႭ೯ࠪމ [s] ٙο͎Ϟ s, ss, c (ce, ci, cy)dԷνjkissf
1. ࢪሙۃ௪ᅰ͉ୌΥኪ͛ܓ˲οคʿᗭܓٙᖭ͉d೯ഗӊଡ଼ɓ͉f
2. ሗӊଡ଼ଡ଼ࡰɓৎቡᛘᖭ͉ʫ࢙dԨਗ਼݂ԫʕୌΥ͉ఊʩ೯ࠪۆٙఊοᄳίɓੵॷɪf
3. ࢪሙੀԚൖଡ଼ݺਗًرdԨቇࣛഗʚܸኬf
4. ӊଡ଼ҁϓܝdሗଡ଼ݼ˾ڌɪ̨ਮ̈הҬՑٙ೯ࠪοf