Page 123 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 123

Unit 4 68
                                                  Unit 4

           B  Read and Check
                                 Una                       Adam            1. I’m going to the zoo with Oliver.dል୦
                                                            Unit 1 ̩ۨf
                    2:35 PM
                Hi, Adam. I'm going to the zoo with Oliver.   2. What’s wrong?˜೯͛ʡჿԫઋək™d
                Do you want to join us?                     Ϊ Adam ႭjI feel tired and sad.d݂
                                             2:36 PM
                    Read  No, I don't. I feel tired and sad.
                   2:40 PM                                  Una ᗫːή༔ਪf
                What's wrong?                             3. He is better now.dHe ίϤ͜׵˾ڌ
                           2:41 PM
                                Read  My dog is sick.
                                                            Adam ۃɓ̩ה౤Ցٙ my dogf
                               2:42 PM
                Oh, no!
                     2:43 PM
                                                          4. But I’m sick.dBut˜Ш݊™d͜׵ஹટՇ
                     Read  He is better now. But I'm sick.
                    2:44 PM
                Take care.  2:45 PM
                                    Read  Thanks.         5. Take care.˜ڭࠠf™f
                                    2:46 PM
                  PM 下午;join 加入、參加;us 我們;better 好轉;Take care. 保重。

                                          True  False
             1  Una is tired.
             2  Adam is sick.
             3  Oliver is going to the zoo.
             4  Una and Adam are going to the zoo.


            1. It’s raining outside. The girl is sad. She can’t go to the park.
            2. A: Where are you going?
                B: I’m going to the hospital.
                A: Are you sick?
                B: No, I’m not. My grandma is sick.
            3. A: Dad, are you tired?
                B: Yes, I am.
                A: I can help you. Are you thirsty?
                B: Yes.
                A: Here is some water.
                B: Thank you.
            4. A: Good morning, Mom and Dad.
                Would you like some juice?
              B: Yes, please.
              A: Are you hungry, Dad?
              B: Yes, I am.
              C: Me, too.
              A: Here are some sandwiches.
              B & C: Thank you.

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