Page 124 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 124
三 讀寫統整練習 20 分鐘
1. ࢪ৪ͪఊοྡ̔ happy angry sad sick tired nervous hungry thirsty dሗΌफɓ
2. ࢪᎇจႭɓ̩ɿdԷνjI feel angry and sad.dሗኪ͛ɪ̨፯̩̈ʕהՑٙఊο
angry sad f
3. ආБᅰϣdᜫኪ͛ᆞఊοʿ̩ۨf
4. B. Read and Check
a. ࢪሗኪ͛˺ቡᛘ Una ձ Adam ٙஷৃ࿁༑dԨႭ࿁༑ʫ࢙ʿ̩จf
b. ࢪሗኪ͛˺ቡᛘ Read and Checkdਮ̈ᕚ̩ɿd̩ɿાࠑ͍ᆽʵ፯ Truedાࠑ
፹Ⴌʵ፯ Falsef
c. ࣨ࿁ഈࣩdפᓃኪ͛ਮᕚͦdԨႭ̈ഈࣩf
1 Una is tired. False
͟ Una: I’m is going to the zoo with Oliver. Ϥ̩પᓙdUna Ԩ͊ชՑ tired
2 Adam is sick. True ͟ Adam: He’s better now. But I’m sick. ̙ٝ
3 Oliver is going to the zoo. True͟ Una: I’m is going to the zoo with Oliver. ̙ٝ
4 Una and Adam are going to the zoo. False
͟ Una: Do you want to join us? Adam: No, I don’t. ̙ٝ
1. ࢪ௪ఊὁdል୦ఊοʿ̩ۨf
2. ሗӊЗኪ͛ͷሙ͉ p. 84 ٙဂ൚dʱйίॷɪᄳɨІʉٙːઋձซਂٙԫdԷνj
I’m angry.
I want to read books.
3. ሗኪ͛ቃݴɪ̨Ⴍ̈Іʉซਂٙԫd̨ɨኪ͛ଚ̈༈ЗΝኪٙːઋމОfݺਗᇍԷνɨj
S1: I want to read books.
S2: Are you nervous?
S1: No, I’m not.
S3: Are you happy? ౬̤ɓЗኪ͛ଚഈ
S1: No, I’m not.
S4: Are you angry? ౬̤ɓЗኪ͛ଚഈ
S1: Yes, I am.
4. ӊɓቃϞɧϣଚഈٙዚึdᕚͦ൳ᗭଚ̈ʱ൳৷dԷνjୋɓϣଚ࿁̈ᕚ٫ 1 ʱd
ୋɚϣଚ࿁̈ᕚ٫ 2 ʱdୋɧϣଚ࿁̈ᕚ٫ 3 ʱf
5. ͍ᆽଚ̈ഈࣩٙኪ͛dୋɓϣଚ࿁ 3 ʱdୋɚϣଚ࿁ 2 ʱdୋɧϣଚ࿁ 1 ʱf
6. ༷ᏕഐҼdഗʚʱٙኪ͛ᆤᎸf
四 回家作業
ሗኪ͛Ϋ˸ CDאཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 65-68 ࠫdᆞ͉ఊʩఊοʿ̩ۨf