Page 3 - MCU Benefits Enrollments Guide
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WORKING SPOUSE RULE for Medical Plan Only: This Plan requires that your spouse enroll in
                          his or her employer’s health plan. If your spouse’s employer offers health coverage but your
                          spouse is not eligible to participate, you must submit a letter from the employer on company
            letterhead that explains the reason for his or her ineligibility. If your spouse is eligible for his or her
            employer’s health plan they are not eligible to enroll on the health plan offered through Members Credit

              How to make changes

            Unless you have a qualified change in status, you cannot make changes to the benefits you elect
            until the next annual enrollment period. Qualified changes in status include: marriage, divorce,
            legal separation, birth or adoption of a child, change in child’s dependent status, death of spouse,
            child or other qualified dependent, change in residence due to an employment transfer for you,

            your spouse, commencement or termination of adoption proceedings, or change in spouse’s
            benefits or employment status.

           How do I enroll?

            You will enroll via paper enrollment forms and submit them to your manager or Human Resources
            department.  If you are making any changes to your current coverage, you may need to fill out the
            required insurance company form(s) to make those changes for the upcoming year.

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