Page 2 - Professor_Cookbook_January
P. 2

INGREDIENTS                                           RECIPE: TED.ed Lessons

                                                                      from the teaching kitchen of: Julie Moser
        teaching and learning for student
            WHAT: TED.Ed is a
      success is at the heart of what we do
      platform for teachers to
      at Granite State College teaching and
      create their own inter-
      learning for student success is at the
     active lessons. Lessons
      heart of what we do at Granite State
     are free to use and
        College teaching and learning for
     re-mix – embrace the
          student success is at the heart
     spirit of Open Education
     beyond OERs!
        teaching and learning for student

      success is at the heart of what we do
           WHY: An easy way to
      at Granite State College teaching and
     put closed captioned
      learning for student success is at the
     educational video in a
      heart of what we do at Granite State
     pedagogical wrapper.
        College teaching and learning for
     See GSC’s Rich Media in
         student success is at the heart of
     Teaching Learning series                               1.  Explore your course and its learning outcomes.
       what we do at Granite State College
     to explore more.
        teaching and learning for student                   2.  Jot down the types of instructional resources that may
                                                                  be enhanced with rich media.
      success is at the heart of what we do
           WHEN: Best selected
     / recreated during the                                 3.   Search TED.Ed to select, edit,and publish appropriate
      learning for student success is at the
     PLAN phase of course                                         lessons.
      heart of what we do at Granite State
     development (explore
        College teaching and learning for
     GSC’s PLAN, TEACH,                                     QUESTIONS? Have a question about how to analyze what type of
                                                            activity would work best to help students work toward course learn-
         student success is at the heart of
     and INQUIRE cycle).                                    ing outcomes? Our Instructional Design Team can help!
       what we do at Granite State College
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