Page 47 - IM - Praetura Ventures 2019 EIS Fund
P. 47

Financial, Professional & Business Services      Energy & Environment                Advanced Manufacturing                   Health & Life Sciences

               We recognise that these sectors will be   This sector receives global focus due to   The North West region is one of the UK’s   The North West is a hub for health and
             particularly disrupted by technology. We are   the wide number of political, economic   largest manufacturing and advanced   life sciences and has a number of centres
              seeking to back innovative companies and   and environmental factors demand   engineering clusters. The region’s talent,   of excellence in the region providing a
              those that have proven an ability to create   which is driving vast investment into   innovation and access to market are why   significant opportunity for Praetura.
               significant value and embed themselves    the market. The recent increased   businesses such as BAE Systems, Cargill,
             within the infrastructure of processes of their   focus on environmental issues such as   Jacobs Engineering, Unilever and Siemens   Deals within this sector should still follow
             clients. When assessing these opportunities   air quality and plastics coupled with   have a sizeable presence in the region.  a commercialisation strategy that allows
              we are looking for deep integration within   increased demand will continue to drive                                   the business to generate recurring
               client operations that create a reliable,    innovation in this sector.      Leading innovation like the discovery of   revenue and create operational leverage
                    recurring revenue stream.                                                Graphene has led to increased public            opportunities.
                                                       We recognise the significance of this   investment into the region to this sector
              Praetura has a natural affinity for this sector   sector and opportunities that are   making it an attractive focus area for
               given previous successful investments.  emerging from what is a trillion dollar          Praetura.
                                                                global market.
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