Page 49 - IM - Praetura Ventures 2019 EIS Fund
P. 49

Some examples of business models we back include;

                                Brokerage                                                SaaS                                          Marketplace
                   Having backed and successfully exited PIB (3x),     Sorted and Peak, within our technology cohort, are   We see a number of two-sided marketplaces as
                   Inspired Energy (16x) and EC3 Brokers (20x), we     building technology platforms to service enterprise   potential investment opportunities. While we’ve not
                  have extensive experience in backing brokerage        e-retailers. The model is to create an embedded   found a suitable company to make an investment
                                  models.                             platform that provides business critical services to the   in with this model yet, we’re confident it can lead
                                                                                         client.                           to explosive growth if there’s strong commercial
                 We believe that the brokerage model, whether tech-                                                       imperative and a powerful go-to-market strategy.
                  enabled or not, allows a business to scale rapidly,   We believe that once a platform is built and has
                  with minimal working capital requirements and to     gained traction, the embedded nature of the service   The marketplace model is an attractive one as once
                  generate recurring revenue or repeatable revenue    and the cost to build the platform create a significant   critical mass is achieved, the marketplace is able to
                         streams with high gross margins.                      barrier to entry for competitors.             capture significant value from the network.
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