Page 3 - Praetura Ventures - Venture Partner Program
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“Praetura are a team of experienced and “Praetura have supported the business through thick “Praetura have been an incredible backer for the
knowledgeable individuals who have offered and thin, often using their own team to support when business. They supported me at the start and added
investment, leadership and strategic advice for our we have had knowledge and resource gaps. There is value from inception through to the MBO. They’ve
business and the personal growth of the senior no doubt that we would have struggled to scale to got stuck in and provided an invaluable sounding
management team. Their vision and foresight, along plan if they had not been involved.” board as we’ve overcome the challenges of a fast
with their influential contacts, have assisted in making growth company.
Wright Landscapes a dynamic business.” Bill Tannahill, CEO
Mike Fletcher, in particular, has been instrumental
Lee Webster, Managing Director in helping to guide me and the business as we’ve
Danny Driscoll, CEO
“The management team at LCC were keen to work
with Praetura because we were extremely impressed
by the business acumen of Praetura’s leadership, who
“Praetura will help you like no other investor. With clearly also believe in the business case and potential
a genuine passion for you to succeed, they will go for the company to succeed.”
above and beyond to support, nurture and drive
you to success without being intrusive. With a great Paul Colbon, CEO “During my 5-year investor relationship
contact network, they can get where water can’t and with Praetura I have found them to be
they also know how to have fun along the way.” exceptional investors who have always been
able to maintain the balance between support
David Grimes, CEO and the right level of autonomy in order to make
running Mobedia as effective and efficient as
“Praetura is a highly supportive and progressive possible. Their attention to detail, vast experience
investment partner, enabling our team to build a and knowledge have been an invaluable part
strong and sustainable platform for growth as a niche of Mobedia’s growth.”
funder in the market. We work closely together and
have the freedom to realise our vision, ensuring that Johnny Hall, CEO
“When looking for investors, it was important SMEs gain the transformational funding they need to
to find an investor who could not only support realise their potential.”
financially but support strategically too. Praetura has
considerable experience in the digital sector with a Lisa Wood, Managing Director
proven track record of business growth, sustainability
and exit. I’ve found their advice, network and contacts
to be invaluable.” COMMERCIAL FINANCE
“It isn’t just about money and investment but
building a partnership. The team at Praetura gives
Graham Withe, Managing Director us access to experts, along with real backing
“Praetura just ‘get it’. They saw the opportunity, and support to rapidly grow Tactus and recognise
arranged pre-IPO funding and then listed the business the right opportunities to maintain long-term
which allowed us to pursue our buy and build strategy sustainable growth.”
and create significant shareholder value. Along the
way, Praetura have filled CFO, NED, Commercial
“Taking an external partner into a family run business Development and Chairman roles… They’ve really Scott Brenchley, CEO
is a huge decision and thankfully we picked the right gone the extra mile for us.”
one. We needed Praetura’s experience on acquisitions
and growth strategies but we didn’t want to change Paul Connor, CFO
the values of the business. Praetura allow us to run
the business in our way but they bring experience and
new ideas to the table, this is a proper partnership.” “Praetura has been an amazing investor for Peak from
seed through to Series A. They’re supportive, there
Tom Cropper, CEO when you need help and understand the real-world
challenges of building an early stage business“
Richard Potter, CEO