Page 4 - Praetura Ventures - Venture Partner Program
P. 4

Important Notice

        All abbreviations, acronyms or designations used in this disclaimer are as   No  representation  is  made,  or  warranty  given  as  to  the  accuracy,
        defined in the body of the document. Reference to the Fund means the   completeness, achievability or reasonableness of any projections, views,
        Praetura EIS 2019 Fund.                               statements or forecasts, which are illustrative and rely on assumptions
                                                              which  the  Directors  consider  to  be  reasonable.  Prospective  Investors
        This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If you   must determine for themselves what reliance (if any) they should place
        are in any doubt as to what action you should take it is recommended   on such statements, views, projections or forecasts.
        that  you  seek  personal  financial  advice  from  your  stockbroker,  solicitor,
        accountant or other financial advisor authorised by the Financial Conduct   Investment  in  the  Fund  may  not  be  suitable  for  all  recipients  of  this
        Authority (FCA) under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)   document.  A  prospective  Investor  should  consider  carefully  whether
        specialising in advising on investments of this type, on whose advice you   an investment in the Fund is suitable for them in light of their personal
        should rely.                                          circumstances and the financial resources available to them.

        This  information  memorandum  constitutes  a  financial  promotion   All  statements,  other  than  statements  of  historical  facts,  included  in
        pursuant to Section 21 of the Financial Services & Markets Act (FSMA)   this document may be forward-looking statements.   Forward-looking
        and is issued by Rudolf Wolff Limited as an Alternative Investment Fund   statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to
        Manager authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.   future  capital  expenditures,  expenses,  revenues,  earnings,  economic
        The promotion of interests in the UK is restricted under the FSMA and   performance, indebtedness, financial condition, dividend policy, losses
        consequently this Memorandum is only directed at individuals to whom   and future prospects, etc.
        interests in the Fund may lawfully be marketed pursuant to FSMA.
                                                              These  forward-looking  statements  are  not  guarantees  of  future
        This Memorandum is confidential and is approved only for distribution   performance.    These  forward-looking  statements  involve  known  and
        and direction to individuals who are classified as being at least:  unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and  other  factors  which  may  cause  the
                                                              actual  results,  performance  or  achievements  of  any  such  person,  or
                                                              industry,  to  be  materially  different  from  any  results,  performance  or
         •  A professional investor within the meaning of COBS 3.5:   achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
         •  an eligible counterparty within the meaning of COBS 3.6.1R:   These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions regarding
                                                              the  present  and  future  business  strategies  of  such  persons  and  the
         •  an existing client of an authorised firm that will confirm whether   environment in which each will operate in the future.  Investors should
            this investment is suitable for them within the meaning of COBS   not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements and, save
            4.7.8 (2) R:                                      as is required by law or regulation.
         •  an individual certified as a high net worth investor within the   The Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or
            meaning of COBS 4.7.9 (1) R:                      revise any forward-looking statements (whether to reflect any change in
                                                              expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or
         •  an individual certified as a sophisticated investor within the   circumstances on which any such statement is based).  All subsequent oral
            meaning of COBS 4.7.9 (2) R:                      or written forward-looking statements attributed to the Company or any
                                                              persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the
         •  an individual who is self-certified as a sophisticated investor within   cautionary statement above.  All forward-looking statements contained
            the meaning of COBS 4.7.9 (3) R:                  in this document are based on information available to the Directors at
         •  an individual who is certified as a restricted investor within the   the date of this document, unless some other time is specified in relation
                                                              to them, and the posting or receipt of this document shall not give rise
            meaning of COBS 4.7.10 R                          to any implication that there has been no change in the facts set forth
                                                              herein since such date.
        By accepting this Information Memorandum, you represent and warrant
        to the Fund Manager that you are a person who falls within the above   Reliance on this Document for the purpose of engaging in any investment
        description of individuals in respect of whom Rudolf Wolff has approved   activity may expose a prospective Investor to a significant risk of losing all
        it as a financial promotion. This Information Memorandum is not to be   of their capital or other assets invested.  Any investment by a prospective
        disclosed to any other person, except where appropriate to your financial   Investor in the Fund may be difficult to value and is likely to involve an
        advisor or as required by law or used for any other purpose. Any other   above average level of risk.  Prospective Investors should consider all
        person who receives this Information Memorandum should not rely on   risks associated with the type of investment described in this Document,
        its contents.                                         including the risk factors as set out in the Document.
        Prospective Investors should not regard the contents of this Information   The  manager  of  the  Fund  will  be  a  person  authorised  to  carry  on
        Memorandum or any associated documents as constituting advice relating   investment  business  by  the  Financial  Services  Authority  or  under  the
        to legal, taxation or investment matters and are advised to consult their   FSMA.
        own professional advisors before contemplating any investment to which
        this Information Memorandum relates. No such advice has been given by   Prospective Investors must rely on their own investigation of the Fund and
        Praetura Ventures Limited and if you are in any doubt about the suitability   examination of the risks involved, including the legal, taxation, financial
        of such an investment, you should contact your financial advisor before   and  other  consequences  of  investing  in  the  Fund.    This  Information
        doing so.                                             Memorandum is dated 18 Janurary 2019.
        Your attention is drawn to the section entitled ‘Risk Factors’. Neither this   There are risks involved with this type of investment. Your attention is
        Information Memorandum nor any associated documents constitute, and   drawn to the appendicies where these are documented in detail.
        may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or invitation to subscribe
        for any investment to which they relate, by any person in any jurisdiction
        outside the United Kingdom.
        This Information Memorandum and any associated documents and the
        information contained within them are not for publication or distribution
        to  persons  outside  the  United  Kingdom.  They  do  not  constitute  and
        should not be considered as an offer to buy or sell, or as a solicitation of
        an offer to buy or sell, any security or share.

                 The approval of a fund by the Board of HM Revenue & Customs is relevant only for the purpose of attracting certain tax
               advantages provided by section 251, Income Tax Act 2007. Such approval covers only certain administrative matters. It in no
                way bears on the commercial viability of the investments to be made; neither does it guarantee the availability, amount or
                                          timing of relief from income tax or capital gains tax.
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