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P. 11

Attractive              FINDING LIGHT
                    IN THE DARKNESS

                                 An Introduction by Rabbi Aron White

              ust five months after celebrating its 75th birthday, Israel   communities was palpable - survivors of October 7th milked their
              was plunged into darkness. From 6:30am on Shemini   cows in Kibbutz Alumim and restarted their printing press in
              Atzeret morning, a cloud of darkness spread from the   Kibbutz Be’eri, just days after the atrocities.
        Jburning houses of Be’eri and the killing fields of Re’im,   These painful weeks have made us rethink so many things,
        enveloping the whole of Israel and the Jewish world. The joy of
        Simchat Torah turned to confusion, terror and mourning, as an   including the way we look at the Jewish calendar. We celebrate
                                                              joyous chagim, but we don’t usually think about how the stories
        unimaginable horror unfolded.
                                                              played out in real time. We spend a few days remembering events
        As the details, numbers and stories emerged, we struggled to   that took place over the course of years. There were many years
        even find points of reference to process the murder of over 1,200,   of darkness and uncertainty before the Chashmona’im finally
        the injuring of 5,000 and the kidnapping of 240 Israelis in one   defeated the Seleucid Greeks, and centuries of slavery in Egypt
        day. Hamas inflicted more casualties in a single day than Israel   before we were miraculously freed. Those living through those
        suffered through the entire second intifada. The intelligence and   dark times did not know how their story would end. We joyously
 When They Come to Destroy, We Build  military failure that failed to prevent this surprise attack felt like   celebrate their salvation, but perhaps we don’t reflect enough
                                                              on the genuine maror our people experienced before we tasted
        Yom Kippur War 2.0. The shock factor of a mass terror attack on
        a scale previously considered impossible felt like Israel’s 9/11. The   the bread of redemption.
        brutality and savagery of Hamas, the reports of which are too
        painful to read and watch, recalled the horrors of the pogroms   Many of us have never experienced darkness, loss and suffering
                                                              like this in our lifetimes. But just as it did on Pesach, Purim and
        that Israel was meant to prevent.
                                                              Chanukah, we believe that the light of redemption will ultimately
        As a nation and as individuals, we experienced in those days a   banish the darkness. May these moments of light be mosif v’holech,
        rollercoaster of emotions, almost all of them negative. Fear, for   grow from night to night, until the light of redemption is fully
        what was coming next. Confusion, as to how this could have   ablaze for all the world to see. We hope this edition can provide
        happened. Sadness over so much loss. Pain and anguish over   you with some of those sparks, to find some of the light in the
        the fate of the hostages.                             darkness.

        In the midst of the darkness, flickers of light appeared. Stories of
        heroism and courage began to emerge, first of individuals, then
        of tens, hundreds and thousands of brave Israeli soldiers and
        civilians who had run to the front lines and saved thousands of
        lives. From Thailand to Mexico, planes departed for Ben Gurion
        packed with Israeli reservists ready to fight for their country.
        Donations of every kind poured in from Israel and around the
        world, while Jews of unbelievable strength spent weeks work-             Rabbi Aron White
        ing day and night to provide chessed shel emet for the dead. The   is the Managing Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
        determination and resilience to return and revive the destroyed

        Above: The Beit Knesset in Kibbutz Sa’ad, guarded by a soldier. On October 7th, Hamas terrorists were prevented from entering the kibbutz by the brave security team. Sa’ad
        was one of the few kibbutzim in the area to be spared.  (PHOTO: SARAH EVRON)
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